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Tissues.  Cells work together in functionally related groups called tissues  Tissue - A group of closely associated cells that perform related functions.

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1 Tissues

2  Cells work together in functionally related groups called tissues  Tissue - A group of closely associated cells that perform related functions and are similar in structure  Four primary types  Epithelium  Connective tissue  Nervous tissue  Muscle

3 Epithelial Tissue  Covers a body surface or lines a body cavity  Forms parts of most glands  Functions of epithelium  Protection  Absorption, secretion, and ion transport  Filtration  Forms slippery surfaces

4 Special Characteristics of Epithelia  Cellularity - cells separated by minimal extra cellular material  Specialized contacts - cells joined by special junctions  Polarity - cell regions of the apical surface differ from the basal surface

5 Special Characteristics of Epithelia  Support by connective tissue  Avascular but innervated - epithelia receive nutrients from underlying connective tissue via diffusion  Regeneration - lost cells are quickly replaced by cell division

6 Classifications of Epithelia  First name of tissue indicates number of cell layers  Simple – one layer of cells  Stratified – more than one layer of cells

7 Classifications of Epithelia  Last name of tissue describes shape of cells  Squamous – cells are wider than tall (plate-like)  Cuboidal – cells are as wide as tall, like cubes  Columnar – cells are taller than they are wide, like columns

8 Simple Squamous Epithelium  Description – single layer – flat cells with disc-shaped nuclei  Specialized types  Endothelium (inner covering) – slick lining of hollow organs  Mesothelium (middle covering)  Lines peritoneal, pleural, pericardial cavities  Covers visceral organs of those cavities

9 Simple Squamous Epithelium  Function  Passage of materials by passive diffusion and filtration  Secretes lubricating substances in serosae  Location  Renal corpuscles  Alveoli of lungs  Lining of heart, blood and lymphatic vessels  Lining of ventral body cavity (serosae)

10 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium  Description - single layer of cube-like cells with large, spherical central nuclei  Function - secretion and absorption  Location – kidney tubules, secretory portions of small glands, ovary surface

11 Simple Columnar Epithelium  Description – single layer of column-shaped (rectangular) cells with oval nuclei  Some bear cilia at their apical surface  May contain goblet cells  Function  Absorption; secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances  Ciliated type propels mucus or reproductive cells by ciliary action

12 Simple Columnar Epithelium  Location  Nonciliated form - lines digestive tract, gallbladder, ducts of some glands  Ciliated form - lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, and uterus

13 Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium  Description  All cells originate at basement membrane, but only tall cells reach the apical surface  May contain goblet cells and bear cilia  Nuclei lie at varying heights within cells, giving false impression of stratification  Function – secretion of mucus; propulsion of mucus by cilia

14 Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium  Locations  Nonciliated - ducts of male reproductive tubes, ducts of large glands  Ciliated - lines trachea and most of upper respiratory tract

15 Stratified Epithelia  Properties  Contain two or more layers of cells  Regenerate from below (basal layer)  Major role is protection  Named according to shape of cells at apical layer

16 Stratified Squamous Epithelium  Description  Many layers of cells – squamous in shape  Deeper layers of cells appear cuboidal or columnar  Thickest epithelial tissue, adapted for protection from abrasion  Two types  Keratinized – forms epidermis, surface cells are dead and full of keratin, a protective protein, waterproof  Nonkeratinized - forms moist lining of body openings

17 Stratified Squamous Epithelium  Function – Protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion  Location  Keratinized – epidermis  Nonkeratinized – e sophagus, mouth, anus, vagina, urethra

18 Stratified Squamous Epithelium Figure 4.3e

19 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium  Description – generally two layers of cube-shaped cells  Function – protection  Location  Forms ducts of  Mammary glands  Salivary glands  Largest sweat glands

20 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium Figure 4.3f

21 Stratified Columnar Epithelium  Description – several layers; basal cells usually cuboidal; superficial cells elongated  Function – protection and secretion  Location - rare tissue type, found in male urethra and large ducts of some glands

22 Transitional Epithelium  Description  Basal cells usually cuboidal or columnar  Superficial cells dome-shaped or squamous  Function – stretches and permits distension of urinary bladder  Location – lines ureters, urinary bladder, and proximal urethra

23 Glandular Epithelium  Endocrine glands  Ductless glands  Secrete substances directly into bloodstream  Produce molecules called hormones  Exocrine Glands  Ducts carry products of exocrine glands to epithelial surface  Include the following diverse glands  Mucus-secreting glands  Sweat and oil glands  Salivary glands  Liver and pancreas

24 Unicellular Exocrine Glands: Goblet Cells  Goblet cells - unicellular exocrine glands that produce mucin  Mucin + water  mucus  Protects and lubricates many internal body surfaces

25 Multicellular Exocrine Glands  Have two basic parts - epithelium-walled duct and secretory unit  Classified by structure of duct  Simple  Compound  Categorized by secretory unit, where secretory cells are located  Tubular  Alveolar (acinar)  Tubuloalveolar

26 Lateral Surface Features: Cell Junctions  Factors holding epithelial cells together  Adhesion proteins link plasma membranes of adjacent cells  Contours of adjacent cell membranes (Like puzzle pieces)  Special cell junctions

27 Tight Junctions  Tight junctions (zona occludens) – close off intercellular space  Found at apical region of most epithelial tissues types  Some proteins in plasma membrane of adjacent cells are fused  Prevent certain molecules from passing between cells of epithelial tissue Tight junction

28 Adherens Junction  Adherens junction (zonula adherens) is a type of anchoring junction forms adhesion belt  Transmembrane linker proteins attach to actin microfilaments of the cytoskeleton and bind adjacent cells  With tight junctions, form the tight junctional complex around apical lateral borders of epithelial tissues Cell 1 Inter- cellular space Extracellular matrix Intracellular attachment proteins Plasma membranes Transmembrane linking proteins Cell 2 Cytoskeletal filament

29 Desmosomes  Desmosomes is a type of anchoring junction  Two disclike plaques connected across intercellular space act like rivets or buttons  Regulate cell shape/structure by cell-cell interactions  Plaques of adjoining cells are joined by linker proteins called cadherins, the proteins interdigitate in the extracellular space  Intermediate filaments insert into plaques from cytoplasmic side  Hemidesmosomes anchor the base of the cell to the basement membrane

30 Gap junctions  Gap junctions – passageway between two adjacent cells  Let small molecules move directly between neighboring cells  Cells are connected by hollow cylinders of protein  Function in intercellular communication

31 Basal Feature: The Basal Lamina  Noncellular supporting sheet between the ET and the CT Consists of proteins secreted by ET cells  Functions  Acts as a selective filter, determining which molecules from capillaries enter the epithelium  Acts as scaffolding along which regenerating ET cells can migrate  Basal lamina and reticular layers of the underlying CT form the basement membrane

32 Apical surface features  Microvilli – fingerlike extensions of plasma membrane  Abundant in ET of small intestine and kidney  Maximize surface area across which small molecules enter or leave  Act as stiff knobs that resist abrasion

33 Cilia Figure 4.8  Whiplike, highly motile extensions of apical surface membranes  Contains a core of nine pairs of microtubules encircling one middle pair  Axoneme – a set of microtubules  Each pair of microtubules – arranged in a doublet  Microtubules in cilia – arranged similarly to cytoplasmic organelles called centrioles  Movement of cilia – in coordinated waves

34 Connective Tissue  Most diverse and abundant tissue  Common embryonic origin – mesenchyme  Cells separated by large amount of extracellular matrix  Main classes of CT include: connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood

35 Connective Tissues  Functions  Structural framework  Fluid and solute transport  Physical protection  Tissue interconnection  Fat storage  Microorganism defense Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

36 Connective Tissues Components  Specialized cells and extracellular matrix  Contains varied cell populations and fiber types often surrounded by a syrupy ground substance  Resident and migrating cells  Fibroblasts  Macrophages  Fat cells  Mast cells  Other white cells Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

37 Extracellular Matrix  Composed of ground substance and fibers  Produced by fibroblasts  Ground substance  Often viscous, gel-like part of extracellular matrix  In bone it is hard – calcified using inorganic Ca++ salts  Made and secreted by fibroblasts  Holds tissue fluid (interstitial fluid)  Watery fluid occupying extracellular matrix  Tissue fluid derives from blood  Fibers provide support  Three types of protein fibers in extracellular matrix  Collagen fibers  Reticular fibers  Elastic fibers

38 Connective Tissue Proper Figure 4.9  Loose connective tissue – areolar, adipose, reticular

39 Areolar Connective Tissue  A Model Connective Tissue - Has structures and functions shared by other CT

40 Areolar Connective Tissue  Description  Gel-like matrix with all three fiber types  Cells of areolar CT include; fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, and white blood cells  Function  Wraps and cushions organs  Holds and conveys tissue fluid  Important role in inflammation  Main defense site against infection, gathering of macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells, WBCs  Locations  Widely distributed under epithelia  Borders all other tissues in the body  Packages organs  Surrounds small nerves and blood vessels

41 Areolar Connective Tissue Figure 4.12b

42 Adipose Tissue  Description - closely packed adipocytes, have nuclei pushed to one side by fat droplet  Function - provides reserve food fuel, insulates against heat loss, supports and protects organs  Location - under skin, around kidneys, behind eyeballs, within abdomen and in breasts

43 Reticular Connective Tissue  Description – network of reticular fibers in loose ground substance  Function – form a soft, internal skeleton (stroma) that supports other cell types  Location – lymphoid organs; l ymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen

44 Connective Tissue Proper Figure 4.9  Dense Connective Tissue  Dense irregular connective tissue  Dense regular connective tissue  Elastic connective tissue

45 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue  Description - primarily irregularly arranged collagen fibers, some elastic fibers and fibroblasts  Function - withstands tension, provides structural strength  Location - dermis of skin, submucosa of digestive tract, fibrous capsules of joints and organs

46 Dense Regular Connective Tissue  Description – consists primarily of parallel collagen fibers, fibroblasts and some elastic fibers, poorly vascularized  Function - attaches muscle to bone (tendons) and bone to bone (ligaments), withstands great stress in one direction  Location - tendons and ligaments, aponeuroses, fascia around muscles

47 Elastic Connective Tissue  Description -elastic fibers predominate  Function – allows recoil after stretching  Location - within walls of arteries, in certain ligaments, and surrounding bronchial tubes

48 Other Connective Tissues Figure 4.9  Cartilage, Bone, Blood

49 Cartilage  Firm, flexible tissue  Contains no blood vessels or nerves  Matrix contains up to 80% water  Cell type – chondrocyte  Cartilage types  Hyaline cartilage  Elastic cartilage  Fibrocartilage

50 Hyaline Cartilage  Description - imperceptible collagen fibers (hyaline = glassy), chodroblasts produce matrix, chondrocytes lie in lacunae  Function - supports and reinforces, resilient cushion, resists repetitive stress  Location - fetal skeleton, ends of long bones, costal cartilage of ribs, cartilages of nose, trachea, and larynx

51 Elastic Cartilage  Description - similar to hyaline cartilage, more elastic fibers in matrix  Function - maintains shape of structure, allows great flexibility  Location - supports external ear, epiglottis

52 Fibrocartilage  Description - matrix similar but less firm than hyaline cartilage, thick collagen fibers predominate  Function - tensile strength and ability to absorb compressive shock  Location - intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, discs of knee joint

53 Bone Tissue  Description - c alcified matrix containing many collagen fibers, osteoblasts secrete collagen fibers and matrix, osteocytes are mature bone cells in lacunae, well vascularized  Function - s upports and protects organs, provides levers and attachment site for muscles, stores calcium and other minerals, stores fat, marrow is site for blood cell formation  Location - bones

54 Blood Tissue  Consists of cells surrounded by nonliving matrix  Description - An atypical connective tissue,  red and white blood cells surrounded by nonliving fluid matrix (plasma)  Function - transport of respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes  Location - within blood vessels

55 Tissues PART 2

56 Covering and Lining Membranes  Combine epithelial tissues and connective tissues  Cover broad areas within body  Consist of epithelial sheet plus underlying connective tissue  Three types of membranes  Cutaneous  Mucosa  Serous

57 Covering and Lining Membranes Figure 4.13a, b  Cutaneous membrane – skin  Mucous membrane  Lines hollow organs that open to surface of body  An epithelial sheet underlain with layer of lamina propria

58 Covering and Lining Membranes  Serous membrane – slippery membranes  Simple squamous epithelium lying on areolar connective tissue  Line closed cavities – pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial cavities

59 Muscle Tissue  Skeletal muscle tissue  Cardiac muscle tissue  Smooth muscle tissue

60 Skeletal Muscle Tissue  Description  Long, cylindrical cells  Multinucleate  Obvious striations  Function  Voluntary movement  Manipulation of environment  Facial expression  Location - skeletal muscles attached to bones (occasionally to skin)

61 Skeletal Muscle Tissue Figure 4.14a

62 Cardiac Muscle Tissue  Description  Branching cells, striated  Generally uninucleate  Cells interdigitate at intercalated discs  Function - contracts to propel blood into circulatory system  Location - occurs in walls of heart

63 Cardiac Muscle Tissue Figure 4.14b

64 Smooth Muscle Tissue  Description  Spindle-shaped cells with central nuclei  Arranged closely to form sheets  No striations  Function  Propels substances along internal passageways  Involuntary control  Location - mostly walls of hollow organs

65 Smooth Muscle Tissue Figure 4.14c

66 Nervous Tissue  Description  Main components are brain, spinal cord, and nerves  Contains two types of cells  Neurons – excitatory cells  Supporting cells (neuroglial cells)  Function - transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors  Location - brain, spinal cord, and nerves

67 Nervous Tissue Figure 4.15

68 Capacity for Regeneration  Good – excellent:  ET, bone CT, areolar CT, dense irregular CT, and blood forming CT  Moderate:  Smooth muscle, dense regular CT  Weak:  Skeletal MT, cartilage  None or almost none:  Cardiac MT, Nervous Tissue

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