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Hierarchy of Biological Organization

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1 Hierarchy of Biological Organization
Levels of Organization

2 Life is organized Life is highly organized into structural levels.
Each level builds on the levels below it.

3 Atoms Chemical building blocks of mater
Organized into biological molecules

4 Organelles Molecules are organized into small structures called organelles Organelles are the components of cells

5 Cells Subunits of organisms.
Cell is the smallest unit capable of all life functions Some organisms are only 1 cell. Ex. Amoeba Types of Blood cells AMOEBA

6 Tissues Similar cells are grouped into tissues.
Nervous tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue

7 Organs Specific arrangement of different tissue form organs
Heart, lung, kidney Organs form organ systems like the nervous system

8 Organ Systems When organs work together they form systems. Ex. Circulatory system

9 Organism All the other parts form an organism that is part of a larger population. Can continue to communities, ecosystems, and biosphere.

10 Beyond Individual Organism
There are tiers beyond the individual. Population: A group of species Community: Groups of populations of species Ecosystem: Community interactions that include non-living features.

11 Emergent Properties Each step upward in the hierarchy of order, different properties emerge that were not present at the simpler level of organization. Ex: Properties of proteins have attributes that were not exhibited by any of it’s component atoms.

12 Emergent Properties Cont.
Emergent properties are integral to the formation of life as non-living things are organized into what we perceive life to be. This is what “life” resists a simple one-sentence definition.

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