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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Caring for the Silent Generation Research Methods Robert E. Smith March, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Autism Spectrum Disorders: Caring for the Silent Generation Research Methods Robert E. Smith March, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Caring for the Silent Generation Research Methods Robert E. Smith March, 2006

2 Agenda: Enlightenment regarding autism spectrum disorders Presentation of primary research Inform, irk, incite, enrage

3 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Autism Asperger’s Rett’s Syndrome Childhood Disintegrative Disorder(CDD) Pervasive Developmental Disorder- Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

4 Common Traits: Lack of communication development Lack of socialization Repeated, non-purposeful movements

5 Etiology- ??? Genetic Vaccine Thimersol Gluten/casein Heavy metals

6 Treatments: PT, OT, Speech Diet Chelation Applied behavior analysis (ABA) Medications

7 Prevalence: Studies vary: 1/500 to 1/1000 children Unknown if the actual # of cases is rising, or if the apparent increase is due to changes in diagnostic criteria.

8 Percentage of Children by Birth Month

9 Number of Respondents by Birth Year

10 Funding for Services

11 Breakdown of Respondents by Diagnosis


13 Percentages of Respondents by Birth Order

14 Breakdown of Responses to Survey Questions 76% Male 24% Female 26% of mothers had a history of miscarriages. 10% of mothers had gestational diabetes, and 2 reported insulin treatment. 93% reported use of prenatal vitamins. 5% of mothers were prescribed Compazine during pregnancy. 40% reported using one or more medications (except compazine). See next slide.


16 Although there is some disagreement as to the exact numbers, the rate of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders is rising. The etiology of these disorders is unknown, but research is being conducted into different theories. There is no uniform, universally applied system for screening, diagnosing, and providing services for these children. This situation will get worse before it gets better.

17 Thank you for listening to my daddy.

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