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Unit 1D Analyzing Arguments. TWO TYPES OF ARGUMENTS Inductive Deductive Arguments come in two basic types:

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1D Analyzing Arguments. TWO TYPES OF ARGUMENTS Inductive Deductive Arguments come in two basic types:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1D Analyzing Arguments

2 TWO TYPES OF ARGUMENTS Inductive Deductive Arguments come in two basic types:

3 INDUCTIVE ARGUMENT An inductive argument makes a case for a general conclusion from more specific premises. In other words, a conclusion is formed by generalizing from a set of more specific premises. specific premises general conclusion

4 EXAMPLE Premise:Sparrows are birds that fly. Premise:Eagles are birds that fly. Premise:Hawks are birds that fly. Premise:Larks are birds that fly. Conclusion:All birds fly.

5 NOTES ON INDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS 1.An inductive argument cannot prove its conclusion true. 2.An inductive argument can be evaluated only in terms of its strength. 3.The strength of an inductive argument is a measure of how well the premises support the conclusion. Clearly, this is subjective (a personal judgment).

6 DEDUCTIVE ARGUMENT A deductive argument makes a case for a specific conclusion from more general premises. In other words, a conclusion is deduced from a set of general premises. general premises specific conclusion

7 EXAMPLE Premise:All college professors have doctoral degrees. Premise:Ms. Gomez is a college professor. Conclusion:Ms. Gomez has a doctoral degree.

8 NOTES ON DEDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS 1.A deductive argument can be evaluated in terms of its validity and soundness. 2.A deductive argument is valid if its conclusion follows necessarily from its premises. Validity is concerned only with the logical structure of the argument. It has nothing to do with the truth of the premises or the conclusion. 3.A deductive argument is sound if it is valid and its premises are all true. 4.A sound deductive argument provides definitive proof that its conclusion is true. (However, this often involves personal judgment.)

9 A VENN DIAGRAM TEST OF VALIDITY 1.Draw a Venn diagram that represents all the information contained in the premises. 2.Check to see whether the Venn diagram also contains the conclusion. If it does, then the argument is valid. Otherwise, the argument is not valid. To test the validity of an argument with a Venn diagram:

10 CONDITIONAL DEDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS A conditional deductive argument has a conditional statement for its first premise. There are four basic conditional arguments: 1. Affirming the hypothesis (antecedent). 2. Affirming the conclusion (consequent). 3. Denying the hypothesis (antecedent). 4. Denying the conclusion (consequent).

11 AFFIRMING THE HYPOTHESIS Structure:If p, then q. p is true q is true Validity:Valid This argument is also known as modus ponems.

12 EXAMPLE Premise:If one gets a college degree, then one can get a good job. Premise:Marilyn has a college degree. Conclusion:Marilyn can get a good job. VALID

13 AFFIRMING THE CONCLUSION Structure:If p, then q. q is true p is true Validity:Invalid

14 EXAMPLE Premise:If one gets a college degree, then one can get a good job. Premise:Marilyn gets a good job. Conclusion:Marilyn has a college degree. INVALID

15 DENYING THE HYPOTHESIS Structure:If p, then q. p is not true q is not true Validity:Invalid

16 EXAMPLE Premise:If one gets a college degree, then one can get a good job. Premise:Marilyn does not have a college degree. Conclusion:Marilyn cannot get a good job. INVALID

17 DENYING THE CONCLUSION Structure:If p, then q. q is not true p is not true Validity:Valid This argument is also known as modus tollens.

18 EXAMPLE Premise:If one gets a college degree, then one can get a good job. Premise:Marilyn does not have a good job. Conclusion:Marilyn does not have a college degree. VALID

19 DEDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS WITH A CHAIN OF CONDITIONALS 1. Structure:If p, then q. If q, then r. If p, then r. Validity:Valid 2.Structure:If p, then q. If r, then q. If p, then r. Validity:Invalid

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