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Welcome to Year 5! Chris Hanlon (5A) Karen Field (5B) &

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5! Chris Hanlon (5A) Karen Field (5B) &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5! Chris Hanlon (5A) Karen Field (5B) &

2 Main diary uses: To allow for 2-way communication Informing us of any ‘unusual’ arrangements for your children at the end of the school day Homework record Reading record


4 Homework Spelling and reading 5A spelling lists will be sent home each Monday. They should be learnt for the class test on Friday. 5B spelling lists will be sent home each Wednesday. They should be learnt for the class test the following Wednesday. Please encourage your children to read at home every day. You can record any reading in their homework diary.

5 Homework English and Mathematics Children should complete all tasks in their purple homework books. Mental Maths homework will be given out on a weekly basis, including through Mathletics tasks. Maths and English homework tasks will be given out each Tuesday. Both homework tasks should be returned by the following Friday.

6 Homework (cont.) IPC IPC based work will be given out during each term. This will usually involve research and presentation of information about a given topic. Longer term topic projects may also be given during the year, with particular stages due each week. This could also be over an end of term break.

7 IPC Topics in Year 5 Physical World Big Picture Investigator Environment New Materials World Leader

8 PE lessons Both classes will have PE lessons with Mr. Hayes and Mr. Adamec on Wednesdays and Fridays (not while swimming is on). Children will need their full PE kit and a water bottle on each of these days. Weekly swimming lessons will begin for 5A and 5B on Monday 8 th September.

9 Contact: School diary Come and see us Email:

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