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WEEK 11 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES & ASSESSMENT 2. FORMAL OPENING GREETING Interviewer Hello Interviewee Hello Interviewer Nice to see you. Interviewee.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 11 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES & ASSESSMENT 2. FORMAL OPENING GREETING Interviewer Hello Interviewee Hello Interviewer Nice to see you. Interviewee."— Presentation transcript:


2 FORMAL OPENING GREETING Interviewer Hello Interviewee Hello Interviewer Nice to see you. Interviewee It’s a pleasure to see you. Interviewer Ready to begin? Interviewee Yes.

3 TELLING ABOUT YOURSELF Now that you know what your personality is you need to be prepared to talk about yourself. If you have any questions about the assessment now is the time to ask. By the way, no assessment this week… I’m moving it to next week.

4 TELLING ABOUT YOURSELF Give the most important details of your education, job experience, and skills Reveal your strengths Help your interviewer get to know you Explain how you got where you are (if you changed careers, etc.) Should be brief and give only the most useful information to your interviewer

5 “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF.” I grew up in ___________. I studied _______ at Sias International University. During my time at Sias University, I ____________. …worked a part-time job at a restaurant. Through this job I learned the importance of being flexible, working well with others, and respecting your boss. …volunteered with Bring Me Hope, an organization that provides support to orphans in Henan. Through this experience I learned ________. …traveled to ________. Through my travels I discovered a much larger world than I could have imagined. This inspired me to want to work for a global corporation. I am fluent in both Chinese and English. I am ________, _________, and ________. (strengths) In the future I would like to ________________.

6 STRENGTHS (TAKE NOTES) Words Flexible Hardworking Creative Patient Teachable (willing to learn) Responsible Outgoing Organized Dedicated Adventurous Passionate Dependable Phrases I am a team player. I finish my work on time. I always learn from my mistakes. I can communicate well with many kinds of people. I can resolve even difficult conflicts in the workplace.

7 SHARE YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Strengths My strengths are… My weakness is… When you share weaknesses you always add how you are defeating your weakness. Example: I am not very good at public speaking. To improve myself I have been looking into opportunity’s to speak in small groups, performances or teaching for more practice. When you share you DO NOT say: “I think I am…” You say “I am…”

8 ACTIVITY In groups of four discuss what your three greatest strengths are. Write down your three greatest strengths.


10 When you share weaknesses you always add how you are defeating your weakness. I have had trouble in the past with planning and organization. However, I’m now taking steps to correct this. I just started using a planner. My computer skills are not the best. I have taken some classes recently to improve my skills and I am always willing to learn more.

11 WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? I think my greatest weakness is that I lack confidence, but I will do well in a job that requires someone to be detailed, organized, and reliable. My greatest weakness is that I’m timid, but I have tried different things to challenge myself. For example, I took a job as a waitress. I also took a leadership position in my class.

12 ACTIVITY In a group of four discuss what you think is your greatest weakness. Write down your own weakness in your notebook.

13 VIDEO Weaknesses Video

14 VIDEO Watch the video clip from “The Pursuit of Happiness” What happened in the interview? Do you think he should get the job? Why or why not?

15 TOP 10 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1.Tell Me About Yourself. Be specific! Prepare a statement that clearly tells them who you are. 2.What is Your Greatest Strength? Make sure you know something about the job and company, give the strength that most matches the position. 3.What is Your Greatest Weakness? Study the skills and strengths needed for the position – come up with honest shortcomings that are not important to the job position. 4.Explain a Time when you faced a stressful situation – What Did You Do? Give a specific example from your life.

16 5.Why Do You Want This Job? Make your answer fit the job. This a good opportunity to add how your qualifications can make a difference. 6.Describe a difficult [work] situation/project and how you overcame it. Give concrete examples. Discuss what you did to resolve it. 7.How Would Your Best Friend Describe You? 8.What makes you the best choice for this company? Give examples of why your skills and accomplishments make you the best candidate. [Here is where your research of the company pays off! Job requirements = Your qualities. 9.What are Your Goals for the Future? Where do you see yourself in 5 years, long-term goals. Ex: growing with the company where I can continue to learn and take on additional responsibilities. 10.Tell me a story about a time you have worked as a team. How do you like team work?

17 HOMEWORK Study for assessment 2 You need to be able to: 1. Give a firm/confident handshake. 2. Use the appropriate greeting (Say “Hello”). 3. Be able to give a self-introduction. 4. You need to be able to answer general interview questions. 5. Answer strengths/weaknesses questions. 6. Be able to give an example to a question. 7. You need to ask the interviewer a question about the job. 8. Make sure you can give an appropriate closing. For help in studying review week 10

18 FORMAL CLOSING Interviewer Thank you for your time. Job candidate It was my pleasure. Interviewer We’ll be in touch. Job candidate I look forward to hearing from you. Interviewer Goodbye. Job candidate Goodbye.

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