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Mahayaha Buddhism #7 Heian Buddhism (平安仏教) 2 Ku-kai (空海) Masayo Urasaki 26 July 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahayaha Buddhism #7 Heian Buddhism (平安仏教) 2 Ku-kai (空海) Masayo Urasaki 26 July 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahayaha Buddhism #7 Heian Buddhism (平安仏教) 2 Ku-kai (空海) Masayo Urasaki 26 July 2012

2 Today ’ s schedule 1) Brief History of Ku-kai (空海) 2) Shingon Shu (真言宗) ’s thoughts and practices monks and laypeople 3) VDO clip from Website 4) Workshop: Preparation for mid-exam

3 Keywords ・ Ku-kai (空海) = Ko-bo-daishi (弘法大師 ) ・ Shingon-shu (真言宗) ・ Esoteric Buddhism (密教) ・ Koya san/Koya mountain (高野山) ・ Sokusin- jyobutsu (即身成仏) ・ Shikoku Pilgrimage /Shikoku Henro (四国遍路 )

4 Kukai (空海) ’ s brief history  Born in 774 at Sanuki (now, Kagawa) province under the provincial gentry.  Studying Confucianism  791, age of 18, went to capital Kyoto to pursue the high studies  Practices at several mountain and met Esoteric Buddhism.

5 Go to China and Established Shingon-shu  804,31 years old, Go to China through diplomatic ship officially to study Esoteric Buddhism in China.  Study Sanskrit at the Rev.Hui-Kuo( 恵果),an authority of Esoteric Buddhism, at Fukein Province.  806, Returned to Japan and bring the many translation texts of the new esoteric Buddhism.  816, Government gave Koyasan (mountain) to him for establish Esoteric/Shingon shu.

6 Esoteric Buddhism( 密教 )and Manifest Buddhism ( 顕教 )  Kukai ’ s philosophy Esoteric Buddhism has value more higher than Other Buddhism.  Mahavairocana Buddha (大日如来) is Eternal Buddha, it the universal truth itself.  Great Sun Sutra / Dainichi kyo (大日経)  Buddha →Shakamuni ’ s teaching (manifest, see clearly) Mahavairocana (secret, invisible)

7 Sokushin- Jyobutsu (即身成仏)  Shingon shu practice ’ s main purpose The Doctrine of becoming a Buddha in one ’ s present body. Everyone has the ability to attain enlightenment in this very lifetime.

8 Practices  San-mitstu Kaji Three practices for Unity the Buddha and oneself (三密加持) Body – Hand/figure Seals Words – Chant Mantra Mind – Samathi (Concentration)  Goma Fire Ritual (Homa: burn/burning)  Came from Hindu  Watch the Buddha in the fire  Fire places is secreted  To prevent evil or suffering / To attain happiness

9 Koya-san (高野山)  Emperor Saga gave Ku-kai officially to found seminary community.  Altitude about 800 km at Okayama Province.  Small town, but 117 temples / graves  Kukai entered into eternal meditation on 835, 62 years old.

10 Shikoku Pilgrimage /Shikoku Henro ( 四国遍路)  Dougyou Ninin (同行二人) Pilgrim walkers are always along with Kukai/Ko-bo-daishi/Odaishi-sama.  88 temples in Shikoku (4 prefectures at East Japan), there are the places where Kukai practiced before he was young.  There are many legend about Kukai all over Japan(almost 5000 places)

11 The relation between Kukai ( 空海 )and Saicho( 最澄 )  Return to Japan from China, Japanese Government concern about Esoteric Buddhism  Kukai ’ s esoteric practices and his thoughts was became famously.So Saicho wanted to know the teaching of esoteric Buddhism. Saicho had borrowed the textbooks from Kukai many times.  Finally, Kukai rejected because he thought Saicho was concerned only textbooks.  One of Saicho ’ s disciple sent Kukai to study, but the disciple had changed to follow Kukai ’ s disciple.

12 Heian Buddhism Integrated Buddhism and Shinto  Honchi suijyaku setsu( 本地垂迹説 ) Mountain / Environment Apparent (Kami / Shinto ) (temporary) Buddha Invisible Eternal Buddha (Absolutely)

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