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BANGKOK, 11 – 15 November 2013. NETWORK More than 600 VAPCR’s branches established in 25 provinces/cities with nearly 19,000 members 5 affliliated centers.

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1 BANGKOK, 11 – 15 November 2013

2 NETWORK More than 600 VAPCR’s branches established in 25 provinces/cities with nearly 19,000 members 5 affliliated centers working in prevention and care for children in special curcumstances, risk of abused, with HIV or mental problem Linking and coordinating social network for children rights protection (CRnet) with 30 organization members. Member and co- chair CRWG of child rights focus INGOs and LNGOs in Vietnam


4 CRC MONITORING&REPORTING Workshop introducing UN CRC Concluding Observations Consultation worshop on the research on state management Co-chair CRWG meeting preparing for the 2 nd NGO’s complementary report

5 1 2 consultation workshop and 1 workshop sharing results of research on the legal age of children (from 16 to below 18 years old) for law amendment 2 Communication campaign on legal age of children 3 VOV policy dialogues on children month & child participation 4 Inputs sending to CRC&MOLISA on EVAWC and Law on PCE

6 On child rights of orphans and helpless children Analizing state management on child right implementation Increasing legal age of children from 16 to below 18 years old (P) NGOs and VAPCR’s role in implementing and monitoring child rights regulated by legal documents

7 Local children’s forums orgainzed regularly to gather their recommendations to National Children’s Forum Establishing 10 Children link clubs (300 children) at local levels, promoting their meaningful participation rights and increasing the rate of children participation in forum at all level Facilitate children to develop themselves the child freindly book on CRC Sending children representatives to regional children forums, meeting in Sri Lanca, BKK, Phillipines (P), NewYork... Training junor trainers and children for peer group training on children rights and participation rights

8 Weekly televising on HCM city’s TV “Child rights program” Training on evaluation based on evident for NGOs Training on programming based on child rights (P)

9 Participate in the settlement of cases to protect children’s rights and interests Received more than 50 letters – providing feedback and coordinating to settle the cases: on violation of nuturing system or dispute on the rights to bring up children, on sexual violation, ill- treatment or labor abuse against children ; coordinating with authorities in settling with possitive result nearly half of the cases Presenting voice in the mass media on acts of violation agianst children’s rights, Sending loyers to help victims at the courses

10 SERVICE MODELS Strenthening the role of social organizations where VAPCR branches established Group of 30 lawyers, judges and jurors in 8 provinces/cities participating in supervising, implementing and protecting children’s rights to contribute to reduce the rate of juvenlines in conflict with laws, and protect the child victims of violence... Network of volunteers for children rights protection based on family & community established and sucessfully operated in 15 provinces BẢO VỆ QUYỀN, LỢI ÍCH TRẺ EM

11 Program preventing children from being drowned: building 10 bridges, swimming training and life buoy presented; one pre-school for children in highland commune, 50 bikes to kindergartans, more than 1,300 schoolarships for pupils at risk of school dropt out and mountainous communes

12 VAPCR has got occasions to meet other NGOs to share useful information and experience on the protection of children’s rights, thereby strengthening various operating skills, such as skills for formulating progammes/projects based on child rights approach, to protect children and promote their participation, skills of monitoring, supervision, analysis, evaluation and reporting... Children of the region have got more opportunities to get choser together, hence the sharing, exchange relation has been set up among them and their awareness of themselves as active actors of their countries and the region has been forced. They therefore are taking stronger innitiative to participate in decision – making processes while producing spreading effect among their peergroups, making thereby important contribution to enhancing children’s meaningful participation. Various groups of children have initially obsorbed helpful method of group activities, their group actions therefore have been improved, getting more and more appropriate.

13 Regional Plan Project should extend intensive sharing of experience among various NGOs in the region by supporting the provision of consultancy and experienced experts to those in need. The linkage and mutal support between Regional Plan Project and Country Plan’s should be further strengthened in order to facilitate the application of outputs achieved at regional level in project countries. The connnection between our regional network and other regional ones on child rights should be set up and consolidated to enable the development of more sizable programs and projects.


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