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Today we are going to learn some new words in French and English!

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Presentation on theme: "Today we are going to learn some new words in French and English!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we are going to learn some new words in French and English!

2 This beefburger is delicious and very _________ ! succulent

3 There’s a great sense of __________ in this class! camaraderie

4 The squirrel’s natural _______ is in woods and trees. habitat

5 1066 was a very _______ year in Britain. turbulent

6 He felt scared, but he tried to look as _______ as possible! nonchalant

7 Westminster Abbey has a beautiful ______! façade

8 Français

9 Anglais

10 succulent camaraderie façade habitat nonchalant turbulent

11 Food that is juicy and delicious A sense of friendship among a group The front of a building A plant or animal’s natural home Someone who seems calm and not worried A period in history when there was violence and changes NB alternative meaning of façade: a false outwards appearance

12 succulent camaraderie façade habitat nonchalant turbulent

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