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Published byDustin Marshall Modified over 9 years ago
1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Overview Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Photon Sciences Project Advisory Committee February 8-9, 2011
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Highly optimized x-ray synchrotron delivering : extremely high brightness and flux exceptional beam stability suite of advanced instruments, optics, and detectors that capitalize on these special capabilities Together, these will enable new tools for: imaging materials with nanoscale resolution determining chemical activity in fine detail Resulting in scientific advances in: clean and affordable energy molecular electronics high temperature superconductors and others High Level Description of NSLS-II New Science Nanoscience Life Science Nanocatalysis New Capabilities Nanoprobes Diffraction Imaging Coherent Dynamics
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Scope Accelerator Systems Storage Ring (~ ½ mile in circumference) Linac and Booster Injection System Conventional Facilities Ring Building and Service Buildings (~ 400,000 gsf) 5 Laboratory/Office Buildings (LOBs) for beamline staff & users 2 full & 1 shell (114,000 gsf) in base scope, 2 more (76,000 gsf) in future scope Reuse of existing NSLS office/lab space for NSLS-II staff Experimental Facilities Initial suite of six insertion device beamlines Capable of hosting at least 58 beamlines Research & Development Advanced optics & accelerator components NSLS-II TEC = $791M TPC = $912M
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Design Features Design Parameters 3 GeV, 500 mA, top-off injection Circumference 791.5 m 30 cell, Double Bend Achromat 15 high- straights (9.3 m) 15 low- straights (6.6 m) Novel design features: Damping wigglers Soft bend magnets Three pole wigglers Large gap IR dipoles Ultra-low emittance x, y = 0.6, 0.008 nm-rad Diffraction limited in vertical at 12 keV Small beam size: y = 2.6 m, x = 28 m, ’ y = 3.2 rad, ’ x = 19 rad Pulse Length (rms) ~ 15 psec
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Six Project Beamlines 1 meV 0.1 meV Inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) Hard x-ray nanoprobe (HXN) 100m long Sub- m resolution x-ray spectroscopy (SRX) 30m long hutch Coherent hard x-ray scattering (CHX) Initial suite of insertion device beamlines World-leading characteristics Meet the needs of user community Enable new science Coherent soft x-ray scattering/polarization (CSX) X-ray powder diffraction (XPD)
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Status of NSLS-II Project Excellent progress Project is 46% complete as of end of December 2010 Full construction phase Spending peaks this year at $245M in FY11 Average “burn rate” of $1M/day during all of FY11 On schedule and on budget Excellent technical, cost & schedule performance to date Sound cost baseline with healthy remaining contingency 15 month schedule float for CD-4
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Key Project Milestones Aug 2005 CD-0, Approve Mission Need (Complete) Jul 2007 CD-1, Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range (Complete) Jan 2008 CD-2, Approve Performance Baseline (Complete) Jan 2009 CD-3, Approve Start of Construction (Complete) Feb 2009Contract Award for Ring Building (Complete) Aug 2009Contract Award for Storage Ring Magnets (Complete) May 2010Contract Award for Booster System (Complete) Feb 20111 st Pentant Ring Building Beneficial Occupancy; Begin Accelerator Installation Feb 2012Beneficial Occupancy of Experimental Floor Apr 2012Start LINAC Commissioning Oct 2012Start Booster Commissioning May 2013Start Storage Ring Commissioning Mar 2014Projected Early Completion; Ring Available to Beamlines Jun 2014Early Project Completion; Ring Available to Beamlines Jun 2015 CD-4, Approve Start of Operations
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Management Progress in 2010 Responded to recommendations from reviews and advisory committees Appointed new Science Advisory Committee ARRA activities on schedule and on budget Continued to detail out work plan and maintain up-to-date schedule Hired 45 staff for total of 262 Reorganized Photon Sciences Directorate Awarded contracts for Linac, Booster, Damping Wigglers, and LOBs Procurement plans in place for beamline procurements Advanced plans for installation and commissioning Advanced plans for building out experimental facilities via user workshops and frequent interactions with user community and sponsors Project management systems fully implemented and being streamlined Contract costs in-line with estimates Management Reserve implemented and being used as an effective tool to maintain schedule in light of unforeseen costs Overall we are on schedule and on budget with reasonable contingency
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Science Advisory Committee Provides recommendations on all scientific and policy issues that bear on the full and effective utilization of NSLS & NSLS-II and on developments required to maintain their scientific productivity at the highest possible level A good balance between national/international, academic/national-lab/industrial, and different areas of science and technique Includes a few members from each of the previous NSLS SAC and NSLS-II EFAC in order to provide some continuity and institutional memory NameInstitutionPosition Simon BareUOPResearch Scientist, former member of NSLS SAC, and member of BESAC Murray GibsonANLALD for Photon Science and APS Director Ernie HallGE Global Research Chief Scientist Jerry HastingsSLACLCLS Scientist and former member of NSLS-II EFAC Russel HemleyCarnegieDirector, Geophysical Laboratory and former member of NSLS-II PAC John HemmingerUniv. Cal. IrvineDean of Physical Sciences and Chair of BESAC Keith Hodgson, ChairSLACALD for Photon Science Leemor Joshua-TorCold Spring HarborDean of Biological Sciences and former member of NSLS SAC Steve KevanUniv. OregonProfessor and former member of NSLS-II EFAC Sine LarsenUniv. CopenhagenProfessor and former director of Life Sciences at ESRF Gerd MaterlikDiamondDirector of Diamond Light Source and former member of NSLS-II PAC Simon MochrieYaleProfessor and former member of NSLS SAC and NSLS-II EFAC Harald ReichertESRFDirector of Physical Sciences at ESRF Janet SmithUniv. MichiganCollegiate Prof of Life Sciences Friso van der VeenSLSDirector of Swiss Light Source, Prof at ETH-Zurich Pierre WiltziusUniv. Cal. Santa BarbaraDean of Mathematical, Life, and Physical Sciences and former Chair of APS SAC
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Design Progress in 2010 Overall design is progressing well & according to Final Design Plan Conventional facilities Nanoprobe building design & bid package completed & added to LOB contract Accelerator systems Additional designs completed, remaining ones far advanced Prototypes built and successfully tested Critical technical issues addressed and solved Experimental Facilities R&D program progressing well Preliminary Designs completed and underwent technical review Beamline baseline scope and future upgrade paths well defined Beamline Advisory Teams engaged
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Construction Progress in 2010 Conventional Facilities Fixed price contracts for all scope Construction sequence optimized LOB contractor underway Ring building construction progressing well and on schedule Reasonable change orders due to conditions/errors/omissions Central Chilled Water Facility expansion progressing well and on schedule Accelerator systems Magnet production ramping up, although much slower than planned Vacuum chamber and component production progressing well Many subsystems in production Experimental Facilities Optics laboratory space and R&D beamline fully fit-out and in active use Optics fabrication equipment commissioned and in use
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Closing of the Ring Ceremony October 13, 2010
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ES&H Progress in 2010 Substantial increase in R&D operations and construction activity 1,201,568 project hours worked to date One recordable injury - technician received infection from splinter 504,042 contractor hours worked to date Six recordable injuries and three DART cases Significant improvements in contractor oversight and contractor’s implementation of ESH program has substantially strengthened the overall safety program Applying lessons learned from Torcon (Ring Bldg GC) to Howell (LOB GC) safety program Advanced Authorization Basis strategy and documentation Beneficial Occupancy Readiness Review process established
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Recent & Upcoming Reviews & Meetings Internal Review of ID Straight Section SpaceFeb 23 Design Reviews of HXN Satellite BuildingFeb-Apr Workshop on Scientific Computing and Data AcquisitionApr 19-21 12 Beamline Development WorkshopsApr–Jun 2 Utility System Design ReviewsJun Radiation Safety WorkshopJun 22–23 3 Final Design Reviews: Electrical Systems & Power SuppliesMay–Jul 7 Magnet Production Readiness ReviewsJuly–Aug 6 BAT meetingsJul 7 SAC Proposal Study Panel meetingsJul Timing and Fast Orbit Feedback WorkshopJul Science Advisory CommitteeAug 12–13 DOE NSLS-II Project Mini-review Aug 25 Insertion Device ReviewSep 14-15 Conventional Facilities Advisory CommitteeOct 5–6 Accelerator Systems Advisory CommitteeOct 14–15 Experimental Facilities Preliminary Design ReviewOct 19-20 DOE NSLS-II Project ReviewNov 15–17 DOE NSLS Operations ReviewDec 14–16 Project Advisory CommitteeFeb 8-9 DOE NSLS-II Project ReviewFeb 25 Science Advisory CommitteeApr 4-5 Accelerator Systems Advisory CommitteeMay 10-11 DOE NSLS-II Project ReviewJune 21-23
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Major Project Goals FY2010 Improve the safety culture and achieve outstanding safety performance Execute conventional construction contracts on budget and on schedule with excellent safety record Complete awards of all major procurements for Accelerator Systems and deliver production activities on schedule and on budget Complete the installation, commissioning and start-up plans Complete preliminary design of 6 project beamlines Continue to develop additional experimental facilities for a full scientific program Refine project management processes Project controls: continue improve variance analysis, streamline updates Configuration management: improve document systems and prepare configuration management plan for commissioning and transition phase Risk & contingency management: routine reporting and updating
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Major Project Goals FY2011 Improve the safety culture and achieve outstanding safety performance Execute conventional construction contracts on budget and on schedule with excellent safety record Deliver accelerator systems production activities on schedule and on budget Begin phased beneficial occupancy of ring building and installation of accelerator systems on schedule and with excellent safety record Refine the installation, commissioning, start-up, and transition to operations plans Begin procurements for 6 project beamlines Continue to develop additional experimental facilities for a full scientific program
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Portfolio of Activities We have an ambitious & challenging portfolio in coming years: Operating NSLS Constructing NSLS-II, including 6 ID beamlines Start of early operations of NSLS-II in FY12 and full ops in FY14 Constructing 6 ID beamlines for DOE-BES (NEXT MIE) Constructing 4 ID beamlines for NIH Constructing ~ 9 BM/3PW beamlines for DOE-BES (NxtGen) Overseeing construction of 3 Type II beamlines Decommissioning NSLS Constantly changing workload as activities progress through their natural life cycles Requires highly coordinated planning Must efficiently and effectively manage our human and financial resources to achieve all of our objectives
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Photon Sciences Directorate Reorganization Effective Oct 1, Light Sources Directorate was reorganized into Photon Sciences Directorate New name better reflects the nature of our science and activities Photon Sciences Directorate is more integrated, with organizational structure that includes all staff and activities Photon Sciences Directorate org carries out all activities in our portfolio NSLS-II Project continues with same people in same project roles and positions as before reorganization Benefits: Sufficiently adaptive to sustain us through current mix of projects and well into NSLS-II operations without further major reorganizations Enables us to do more cost effective resource planning Give us the flexibility to easily and rapidly reassign staff to a changing workload as the projects in our portfolio evolve
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 18 29 Photon Sciences Directorate Organization
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Leadership Team (Unchanged) Ferdinand Willeke Accelerator Systems Director Accelerator Division Director Qun Shen Experimental Facilities Director Photon Division Director Martin Fallier Conventional Facilities Director Facilities Division Director Diane Hatton Project Support Director Business Division Director Steven Dierker Project Director ALD for Photon Sciences Steve Hoey ES&H Manager ES&H Manager Aesook Byon Deputy Project Director Deputy ALD for Construction Wayne Hendrickson Associate Project Director for Life Sciences Chief Life Scientist Name NSLS-II Project Role Organizational Role
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 18 29 NSLS-II WBS Control Account Managers (Unchanged)
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Detailed Org Chart Names in black are predominantly NSLS-II effort Names in red are predominantly NSLS effort Almost all assignments are Unchanged
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Defining Transition to Operations for NSLS-II Project and for NSLS-II Facility CD-4 28-33 19 16 10 6 Projected Early Finish Funding assured or reasonably certain for 19 beamlines by FY15 Funding under discussion for 9-14 more Transition to NSLS-II Operations Period NSLS Operations NSLS-II Operations 9-
25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Facility Transition to Operations Plan (FTOP) Programmatic transition of entire NSLS-II facility A comprehensive plan to manage the smooth integration of the transitions from construction to operations (NSLS-II, NEXT, NxtGen, NIH, etc) and from operations to decommissioning (NSLS) for the entire NSLS-II Facility during the years FY12 to FY15 Identifies and integrates transition activities (scope) Aligns schedule and key milestones Identifies interfaces, interdependencies, and coordination requirements Documents overall resource plan Describes organization, including roles & responsibilities Catalogs supporting documents Living document to be kept current through out transition period Erik Johnson appointed overall Facility Transition to Operations Manager
26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Transition to Operations (PTOP) and Close-Out Planning Project Transition to Operations Plan required for close-out of NSLS-II Project Required by DOE O 413.3 and by NSLS-II PEP Project Close-out Requirements Project Performance and Completion Criteria Readiness Assessment/Operational Readiness Review Commissioning Plan Project Transition to Operations Plan (PTOP) Quality Assurance Environmental Management System Revision Safeguards, Security and Safety Plan Post CD-4 Approval Requirements (related to transition/closeout) DOE Guidance 413.3-16 “Project Transition/Closeout” describes suggested non-mandatory approaches for Project Close-Out Planning with emphasis on “Tailoring” We are tailoring this guidance to develop a PTOP for the NSLS-II Project
27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Issues and Concerns Construction Safety Effectively managing civil construction Meeting schedule for production of storage ring magnets Planning for transition to operations (including installation, startup, commissioning, and early ops) Planning for a fast ramp up of the science program Funding
28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Experienced and capable team in place and functioning well Reorganization enhances staffing flexibility and transition to ops Management systems functioning for controlling project Good progress at finalizing design & beginning construction Strengthened ES&H program and improved safety performance Beamline Advisory Teams engaged and functioning effectively Beamline preliminary designs complete and procurements underway Excellent progress at developing early science program Reasonable prospects for 28 beamlines in FY15 Clear path for programs and beamlines from NSLS to NSLS-II Planning for transition to NSLS-II operations advancing well Excellent working relationship with BNL, BHSO, and DOE
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