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Design Patterns. Properties of good design Minimize complexity Maintainable Loose coupling Extensibility Reusability High fan in Low to medium fan out.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Patterns. Properties of good design Minimize complexity Maintainable Loose coupling Extensibility Reusability High fan in Low to medium fan out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Patterns

2 Properties of good design Minimize complexity Maintainable Loose coupling Extensibility Reusability High fan in Low to medium fan out Portability Leanness Stratification Standard techniques

3 Some principles of good design Open-Close Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Interface Segregation Principle Single Responsibility Principle Liskov’s Substitution Principle No forgery principle (keep data in a single place) One rule one place (don’t duplicate code)

4 What is wrong with this picture? Ball double gravity 32.1 Private: Enemy double gravity 32.1 Private: No forgery!

5 How about this? Global double gravity 3.21

6 Why not use globals? A.They make code hard to understand. B.They make code hard to debug. C.They make code hard to modify.

7 Why not use globals? D.Profs O’Neill and Kuenning with haunt your dreams if you do.

8 Answer All of the above.

9 Singleton Pattern Problem: Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to that instance.

10 Singleton Class class Singleton { public: static Singleton* getInstance(); private: static Singleton* theSingletonInstance; Singleton() {}; ~Singleton() {}; Singleton(const Singleton& toCopy) {}; Singleton& operator=(const Singleton& toCopy) {}; }; Singleton::Singleton* theSingletonInstance = NULL;

11 Instance Implementation Singleton* getInstance() { if (theSingletonInstance == NULL) theSingletonInstance = new Singleton; return theSingletonInstance; }

12 Example class Ball { public: static Ball* theBall(); tuple getPosition(); void setPosition(tuple newPosition); private: SpheretheSphere; Ball() {}; ~Ball() {}; tuple position; }; Ball::Ball* theBall = NULL; use: Ball* myBall = Ball::getInstance();

13 what I want I need a 2D graphics library that supports the following functions for triangles: –set color to r,g,b –translate vertices by dx, dy –rotate  degrees about the origin –draw

14 what I have I have a 3D graphics library with a triangle class with the following interface –triangle() –triangle(v1x, v1y, v1z, v2x, v2y, v2z, v3x, v3y, v3z) –~triangle() –set color(r, g, b) –rotate(vector, angle) –translate(dx, dy, dz) –scale(sx, sy, sz) –draw() –flip(planeA, planeB, planeC, planeD) –texture(textureMap) –standardize()

15 just use the 3d class Constructor: triangle t(v1x, v1y, 0, v2x, v2y, 0, v3x, v3y, 0) Rotate: t.rotate(,alpha) Interface Segregation Principle

16 Solution Triangle2DTriangle3D implements the 2d triangle interface

17 façade Problem: You need to use a subset of a complex system or you need to interact with the system in a particular way.

18 what I want I want a physics engine that (among other things) detects collisions: cCollision cPhysicsEngine::detectCollision(cPath p, cTriangles t) I have a fast collision detection algorithm and a slower, more robust algorithm.

19 cPhysicsEngine cPhysicsFast How about this? cPhysicsSlow In the future I may want to use a super slow algorithm.

20 cPhysicsEnginecDetectCollision cDetectCollisionFast Strategy Design Pattern cDetectCollisionSlow supports open-close and single responsibility principles

21 Strategy design pattern Problem: Want to be able to swap the algorithm used in an application.

22 Bridge vs. Strategy Shape Drawer Low Res Hi Res cPhysicsEnginecDetectCollision cDetectCollisionFastcDetectCollisionSlow Different intents: bridge allows implementation to vary and includes adapters strategy allows algorithms (behavior) to vary DP hi res

23 what I want I am building a drawing program. The user enters keystrokes to change modes (Add, Delete, Move) and mouse input that is interpreted based on the current mode.

24 what I have global int mode; drawer.processMouse(key,position) { if mode==add processMouseAddMode(key,position) else if mode==delete processMouseDeleteMode(key,position) else if mode==move processMouseMoveMode(key,position) }

25 Drawer processKey processMouse DeleteDrawerAddDrawerMoveDrawer How about this

26 Drawer processKey processMouse Mode processMouse DeleteAddMove State Design Pattern 1 supports open-close and single responsibility principles

27 Drawer processKey processMouse Mode processMouse DeleteAddMove State Design Pattern 1 ModeManager processKey 11 1 1 Mode mgr. returns pointer to correct mode

28 State Design Pattern Problem: want to allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes

29 State vs. Strategy Drawer processKey processMouse Mode processMouse DeleteAddMove 1 ModeManager processKey 11 1 1 cPhysicsEnginecDetectCollision cDetectCollisionFastcDetectCollisionSlow Different intents: state allows behaviors to vary dynamically strategy typically used when algorithm is selected at start

30 Problem continued I also want to support “Undo” Help!

31 Command MouseKeyMenu Command Design Pattern

32 Encapsulate a request as an object to permit logging, queuing, un-doing etc.

33 what I want I want a 2D drawing program that supports triangle and lines I want to be able to add, delete, draw, and move primitives. I want to be also want to be able to group primitives into a “widget” and treat the widget as a primitive. I want to be able to add and delete primitives from a widget

34 solution 1 WidgetShape * TriangleLine What is the difference between a triangle and a widget holding a triangle?

35 Composite Design Pattern Widget Shape * TriangleLine

36 Abstract factory

37 Observer Design Pattern


39 Other design patterns wikipedia!

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