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The Classification of Living Things or King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti.

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Presentation on theme: "The Classification of Living Things or King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Classification of Living Things or King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti

2 Link I go to the Redbox because I’m in the mood for a movie. How do I find the right one?

3 Essential Question How are living things organized? ?

4 Organization Taxonomy – the study of how living things are classified 7 levels: Broad to more specific The more levels organisms have in common, the more characteristics they share

5 The Levels

6 Kingdom At least 5 kingdoms, some scientist say 6 They are classified by how they obtain (get) food & number of cells

7 The Kingdoms

8 Phylum Phylum in the Plant Kingdom are sometimes called divisions. – Plants divided into 2 groups: vascular and nonvascular Animal Kingdom – 35 phylum – These phyla can be classified into 2 groups: vertebrates and invertebrates

9 Class, Order, Family These levels become more specific & include fewer organisms that have a lot in common as you move down the levels

10 Genus Closely related organisms The first word in an organism’s scientific name

11 Species All organisms that can breed and produce fertile young (their offspring can have offspring) Second word in an organism’s scientific name.

12 Scientific Name Genus then species Written in itlacs (slanted writing) with genus capitalized Canis lupus Pinus taeda

13 Practice Venus Fly TrapPraying Mantis Portabella Mushroom Honey Bee KingdomPlantAnimalFungiAnimal PhylumAngiospermsArthropodaBasidiomycotaArthropoda ClassEudicotsInsectaAnaricomycetesInsecta OrderCaryophyllalesPterygotaAgaricalesHymenoptera FamilyDroseraceaeNeopteraAgaricaceaeApidae GenusDionaeaAcanthopsAgaricusApis Speciesmuscipulafalcatariabisporuscerana

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