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Chapter 32: Latin America Emily Kopas & Aku Acquaye.

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1 Chapter 32: Latin America Emily Kopas & Aku Acquaye


3 Objectives 1.How did U.S. Intervention affect the development of Mexico, Guatemala, and Cuba? 2.How did the cold war affect Latin America's stance between the U.S. and Asia? 3.What were the results of the new democratic trends in Latin America? 4.What were the results of poor economic growth, social injustice, and political instability in Latin America? 5.What was the role of women in the development of Latin American politics?

4 Vocab 1.PRI 2.Zapatistas 3.United Fruit Company 4.Fidel Castro 5.Che Ernesto Guevara 6.Liberation Theology 7.Salvador Allende 8.Sandinista Party 9.Banana Republics 10.Good Neighbor Policy 11.Alliance for Progress

5 Latin America After World War II Initially dominated by authoritative reformers Mexico and the PRI – Corrupt & no social improvement – Radical opposition by Zapatistas Replaced by conservative PAN Party – First step towards democracy

6 Radical Opposition in the 1950s Marxian Socialist Philosophy Guatemala – Radial change to land distribution – Intervention by U.S. & United Fruit Company – Failure to improve social/economic problems

7 Radical Opposition in the 1950s Cuba – Large middle class, literacy & heath care – Fidel Castro – Marxist-Leninist – Launched radical change – Supported nationalist & anti-imperialist policy – Depended on support by Soviet Union

8 Reform and Military Options Democracies Catholic Church involvement Military based rulers

9 United States and Latin America: Continuing Presence Dependency Private investments Military intervention Panama Canal Alliance for Progress Good Neighbor Policy

10 The Search for Change Women's rights Rapid population growth Urbanization

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