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11 Everyone needs support when they take new risks when they take new risks.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Everyone needs support when they take new risks when they take new risks."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Everyone needs support when they take new risks when they take new risks

2 2 Relationship Framework 2

3 3 Relationship Model 3 0.Isolated 1.Known 2.Receptive 3.Reactive 4.Proactive 5.Sustained 6.Mutually Beneficial

4 4 Relationship Model - Student Support 4 1. Known Teachers get to know students and their families 2. Receptive Have frequent contact with students and show interest 3. Reactive Some positive support when requested, but sporadic 4. Proactive Support from individuals that take the initiative. 5. Sustained Fully supported from all individuals over time 6. Mutually Beneficial Mutually supportive learning community

5 5 We Learn/We Teach Survey Question Students StaffQuestion School is a welcoming and friendly place 5378 School is a welcoming and friendly place Students respect teachers 2689Students respect me Teachers respect students 3799I respect students Teachers have fun at school 3779I have fun at school Teachers encourage me to make decisions 5795 I encourage students to make decisions Teachers enjoy working with students 5595 I am excited to be working with students ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

6 6 In The Classroom 6 34 Classroom Mgt. Rules Power Effectiveness Risk Taking Control Teacher Role Voice Mandated Without Question Passive and Quiet Discouraged Negative Punishment Absolute Attention Public Pronouncements Negotiated With Respect Engaged Encouraged Positive Reinforcement Source of Encouragement Private Conversations Relationship Building

7 7 Supportive Relationships Successful Practices Behaviors Initiatives Structures 7 36

8 8 Supportive Behaviors Showing Respect Taking Interest Active Listening Frequent Contact Encouragement Avoiding “Put Downs” Displaying Student Work Writing Encouraging Notes Identifying Unique TalentsCelebrating AccomplishmentsServing As Role ModelUsing One-to-One CommunicationEncouraging Students to Express Opinions/IdeasCreating Inviting Classroom ClimateExhibiting EnthusiasmUsing Positive HumorStudents Praising Peers Showing Respect Taking Interest Active Listening Frequent Contact Encouragement Avoiding “Put Downs” Displaying Student Work Writing Encouraging Notes Identifying Unique TalentsCelebrating AccomplishmentsServing As Role ModelUsing One-to-One CommunicationEncouraging Students to Express Opinions/IdeasCreating Inviting Classroom ClimateExhibiting EnthusiasmUsing Positive HumorStudents Praising Peers

9 9 36 Supportive Initiatives Character Education Beginning of the Year Student Social Activities Team Building Mentoring Rewards, Recognition, Incentives Student Advocacy Advisement Program Character Education Beginning of the Year Student Social Activities Team Building Mentoring Rewards, Recognition, Incentives Student Advocacy Advisement Program

10 10 36 Supportive Initiatives, cont’d. Peer Mediation Students as Teachers Family, Community, Business Partnerships Service Learning Extra and Co-curricular Activities Sports Programs Peer Mediation Students as Teachers Family, Community, Business Partnerships Service Learning Extra and Co-curricular Activities Sports Programs

11 11 36 Supportive Structures Small Learning Community Alternative Scheduling Team Teaching Teacher Continuity School-based Enterprise Professional Learning Community Small Learning Community Alternative Scheduling Team Teaching Teacher Continuity School-based Enterprise Professional Learning Community

12 For more information visit Order Read More View excerpt from kit

13 13 Rigor Relevance Relationships

14 Eugene White “When you have high expectations, you have to have high support.”

15 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 Margaret Mead " Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

16 16 Quadrant D Leadership Rigor/Relevance - All Why Why What What How How

17 Staff Involvement Four Quadrants of Leadership Decision Framework

18 DECISION FRAMEWORKDECISION FRAMEWORK A B D C Anticipation Future-focused and Proactive Preservation Rear View-focused and Reactive Four Quadrants of Leadership High Low

19 STAFF INVOLVEMENT A B D C Top Down Hierarchy Distributed Leadership Four Quadrants of Leadership HighLow

20 DECISION FRAMEWORKDECISION FRAMEWORK STAFF INVOLVEMENT AB DC Rule-driven School Four Quadrants of Leadership Tradition-drivenSchool Struggling School w/ conflict Culture-driven School Anticip- ation Preserv- ation TeamIndividual

21 DECISION FRAMEWORKDECISION FRAMEWORK STAFF INVOLVEMENT AB DC Level or Declining Four Quadrants of Leadership Traditional Pockets of Success Islands of Innovation RapidlyImproving Anticip- ation Preserv- ation TeamIndividual

22 DECISION FRAMEWORKDECISION FRAMEWORK STAFF INVOLVEMENT AB DC Issue Procedures Do Close Inspection Issue Orders Write Memos Reprimand Publicize Success Four Quadrants of Leadership Coach Preserve Traditions Hire Qualified People Share Best Practices Reduce Staff Meetings Avoid Risks Role Modeling Establish Expectations Hold Individuals Accountable Grant Applications Assign Jobs Share Vision Distribute Data Support Prof. Learning Hold Celebrations Inspire with Vision Work in Teams Hold Teams Accountable Clarify Roles Analyze Data Anticip- ation Preserv- ation TeamIndividual Leadership Tasks

23 Leadership for Rigor Relevance and Relationships Resource Kit

24 Discover Create Build Develop Support Envision CHANGE Change Model

25 Money, time and regulations are NOT true barriers… They are symptoms of the attitudes of people! People are the only real obstacles. If we can change people, anything is possible!

26 Leadership Activities

27 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are apathetic… Envision “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.” Joel Barker

28 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are apathetic… Dream the Possible Envision Focus on the future Don’t lay blame Be Enthusiastic Keep Message Simple Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!

29 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are unproductive, with low morale… Discover “The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but seeing with new eyes.” Marcel Proust

30 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are unproductive, with low morale…focus on the competence of the organization Discover Focus on the positive Reflect on what works well Ask “What if” questions Focus on and work from what is known

31 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are committed to status quo… Create “The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. “ Chuck Palahniuk

32 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are committed to status quo…design solutions through kaleidoscope thinking Create Encourage divergent thinking Provide extensive information Allow open participation Recognize that it is okay to feel uncomfortable

33 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are confused or anxious… Build "You lead today by building teams and placing others first." Jeff Immelt

34 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are confused or anxious…forge a consensus for change Build Encourage convergent thinking Use consensus decision-making Give adequate lead time Be empathetic to human needs

35 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are fearful, frustrated, lacking confidence… Develop “When you shift people's perceptions, their actions follow." Rayona Sharpnack

36 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are fearful, frustrated, lacking confidence…cultivate the growth of people Develop Use outside people to start Use inside people to carry out Use skilled communicators Get verbal commitment to change

37 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are tentative, slow implementors… Support “Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat.” Caroline Schoeder

38 Richard Jones International Center for Leadership in Education 1999 If people are tentative, discouraged…sustain people through implementation Support Provide adequate resources Give recognition & rewards Consider individual differences Expect results & inspect progress

39 Leadership Tasks

40 40 Raising the Level of Rigor and Relevance

41 41 RI G O R RELEVANCE AB D C Rigor/Relevance Framework High HighLow Low

42 42 Increasing Rigor and Relevance Rubrics Reading Reflective Thought Revision Research Resilience Relationships Reschedule Rejuvenation Rewards

43 43 Increasing Student Engagement 43

44 44 Engagement-based Learning and Teaching Build Relationships Reflect on Grading and Rewards Commit to Guiding Principles Practice Student Habits Develop Foundation Skills Build Relationships Reflect on Grading and Rewards Commit to Guiding Principles Practice Student Habits Develop Foundation Skills PreconditionsPreconditions

45 45 Engagement-based Learning and Teaching Design for Rigor/Relevance Personalize Learning Use Active Learning Strategies Have Literacy Focus Attend to Classroom Environment Design for Rigor/Relevance Personalize Learning Use Active Learning Strategies Have Literacy Focus Attend to Classroom Environment PedagogyPedagogy

46 46 Observation of Student Engagement Walkthrough Checklist Observe Positive Body Language Consistent Focus Verbal Participation Student Confidence Fun and Excitement Observe Positive Body Language Consistent Focus Verbal Participation Student Confidence Fun and Excitement Perceive Individual Attention Clarity of Learning Meaningfulness of Work Rigorous Thinking Performance Orientation Perceive Individual Attention Clarity of Learning Meaningfulness of Work Rigorous Thinking Performance Orientation

47 47 Lovers never send form letters. 47

48 48 The Missing Ingredient Purposeand Passion Passion

49 International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. 1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY 12148 Phone (518) 399-2776 E-mail - Nicole Hochholzer Email-

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