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Programs and Research It must change: creating value in a network environment Lorcan Dempsey CSU Libraries Conference Fort Collins Library renaissance:

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Presentation on theme: "Programs and Research It must change: creating value in a network environment Lorcan Dempsey CSU Libraries Conference Fort Collins Library renaissance:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Programs and Research It must change: creating value in a network environment Lorcan Dempsey CSU Libraries Conference Fort Collins Library renaissance: perspectives for the digital age 24 October 2006

2 Programs and research 2 Overview

3 Programs and research 3 Regardless of these advances, many library websites continue to replicate the physical and functional organization of the traditional library. Web-based access to services has evolved as a thin veneer over library technical infrastructures that were designed to support traditional library services. As such, library websites are typically organized around library functions (interlibrary loan, circulation, reference) or existing information stores (the card catalog, print indexes). The web came … Krisellen Maloney

4 Programs and research 4 The web came inside … Then  We can no longer expect people to come into the library. Now  We can no longer expect people to come to the library website.

5 Programs and research 5 Structural changes in new environment … … require … … rethinking how we do things.  Thinking about uses  Thinking about provision

6 Programs and research 6 The web is inside?  netWorkflow …  A web: multiple paths and interfaces …  Disclosure vs discovery …  Supporting asset management …  The long tail …  Moving to the network level …

7 Programs and research 7 Networkflow Libraries serve research, learning and personal development. The focus should be on how the network is changing research, learning and personal practices, and how libraries respond. Not on internal library operations and technologies. People used to build their workflow around the library. Now the library needs to build its services around people’s workflow. People have their own favorite tools, techniques and services.

8 Programs and research 8 Gather – create - share Raymond Yee URL is currency

9 Programs and research 9 Zotero

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11 Programs and research 11 University of Minnesota

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13 Programs and research 13 Database > website > workflow Prefabricated (e.g. CMS) Self assembled digital identity Netvibes, onfolio, my yahoo, myspace, RSS aggregator, …

14 Programs and research 14 Multiple paths and interfaces  No single site is the sole focus of a user’s attention  The network is the focus of attention.  The library needs to be in multiple places, ‘in the flow’.

15 Programs and research 15 Google scholar

16 Programs and research 16 Virginia Tech resolver

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24 Programs and research 24  ‘2 clicks to full-text’  Integrate ‘find articles’ service with other services  ‘Variety of pathways’  Metasearch appropriate databases from course pages Innovative Uses of Metasearch: Rethinking Metasearch for a Better User Experience David Lindahl & Jeff Suszczynski, U Rochester

25 Programs and research 25  Webtops  Course pages  Course management system  Citation managers  Social bookmarking  URL  RSS  OpenURL  Remix: web services

26 Programs and research 26 Disclosure and discovery  How do people discover materials of interest?  Search engines and other web resources  Bibliographic/citation chaining  Colleagues/Friends.  DEFF report: people turn to library to retrieve materials not to find them.  If ‘discovery’ is limited at the library, can we ‘disclose’ library resources in the places where discovery happens? User expectations and requirements in relation to the hybrid libraryUser expectations and requirements in relation to the hybrid library.{B8D2E65C-665F-48E7-A60B-5C10762F88E4}

27 Programs and research 27 Chris Beckett

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31 Programs and research 31 Supporting asset management …  Insitutional assets  Creation to curation  Support for gather, create share

32 Programs and research 32 OCLC adaptation of Liz Lyon

33 Programs and research 33  ‘Institutional repository’  Learning materials  Data curation  ePrints  Local history  Institutional websites (curricula, course calendars, annual reports, …)  Ingest and persistently manage websites of interest to courses, etc.  Materials cited in institutional papers  Special collections.  Digital archives of faculty. A growing archival perspective

34 Programs and research 34  Provenance  Evidential integrity  Citability  Versions

35 Programs and research 35 Aggregate supply : aggregate demand Long tail Library “Inventory” 20% head80% long tail Libraries aggregate supply at the local level… “About the only places you could explore outside the mainstream were the library and the comic book shop.” Chris Anderson, “The Long Tail”

36 Programs and research 36 URL is the currency of the web

37 Programs and research 37 The long tail Impact? Systemwide efficiences Aggregation of supply Unified discovery Low transaction costs Aggregation of demand

38 Programs and research 38 Libraries and the long tail dynamic  Aggregate supply?  1.7% of circulations are ILLs  (60% of aggregate G5 collection owned by one library only)  Aggregate demand?  20% of collection accounted for 90% of use  (2 research libraries over ~4 years) Each reader his/her book Each book its reader

39 Programs and research 39  Aggregate demand  In the flow: syndicate data and services to where people are  Google  Worldcat  Project into course management systems  Be downstream from major web services  Move to a higher level  E.g. Ohiolink  Aggregate supply  Integrated discovery to delivery of materials  Integrated discovery  Resolution  ILL, POD, access to circulation  Speedy predictable delivery

40 Programs and research 40 Moving to the network level In the lone houses and very small villages which are scattered about in so desert a country as the Highlands of Scotland, every farmer must be butcher, baker and brewer for his own family. Adam Smith

41 Programs and research 41 Trajectory … Then  Cataloging & resource sharing  A&I and e-Journals  Collections Now  Create value for users in increasingly complex environment  More will move to shared network environment.

42 Programs and research 42 Multilevel approach to …  Collections  Shared offsite storage  Aggregate and analyse digital collections  Institutional repository  Digital storage and preservation  Social and consumer environments  Social networking services: tagging, reviews, recommendations  Share mobilizing approaches  Virtual reference  D2D  Consolidated discovery  Knowledge base  Resolution - Service routing – fulfillment  Business intelligence  Synthesize and mobilize shared usage data  Recommendation, management decisions  Digitization and offsite storage

43 Programs and research 43 Insanity is doing more of what you are already doing and expecting a different result. Newt Gingrich quoting Albert Einstein!

44 Programs and research 44 The web is inside? Networkflow The long tail Discovery to disclosure A web: multiple paths Moving to the network level Supporting asset management

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