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Summary of Simulation and Reconstruction Shaomin CHEN (Tsinghua University)  Framework and toolkit  Application in ILC detector design Jupiter/Satellites,

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Simulation and Reconstruction Shaomin CHEN (Tsinghua University)  Framework and toolkit  Application in ILC detector design Jupiter/Satellites,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Simulation and Reconstruction Shaomin CHEN (Tsinghua University)  Framework and toolkit  Application in ILC detector design Jupiter/Satellites, Mokka/Marlin, Slic/org.lcsim GLD calorimeter LDC HCAL CALICE data processing …

2 Four ILC Detector Concepts GLD LDC SiD 4 th detector concept Large, 3T B-field Medium, 4T B-field Small, 5T B-field See John Hauptman’s talk Most of physics studies rely on precise measurement on multi-jets in the final state. Particle Flow Algorithm (see Tamaki Yoshioka’s talk)

3 Framework and Toolkit Jupiter/Satellites (Aisa) Mokka/Marlin (Europe) Slic/org.lcsim (US) For large option (GLD) design Use ROOT as a framework for data model For medium option (LDC) design Use LCIO as a framework for data model For small option (SiD) design Use LCIO as a framework for data model Ties Behnke’s talk Norman Graf’s talk

4 Jupiter/Satellites Concepts JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data

5 Mokka/Marlin concepts LCGEO Ties Behnke’s talk

6 What is not there Ties Behnke’s talk

7 Slic/org.lcsim concepts Compact Description GeomConverter LCDD GODL org.lcsim Analysis & Reconstruction HEPREP slic lelaps wired lcio Linear Collider Detector Description Simulator for the LInear Collider Generalized Object Description Language Full simulation Fast simulation Norman Graf’s talk Stdhep and LCIO files for signal and Background avaliable on the web

8 Three merge into one? Jupiter/Satellites Mokka/Marlin Slic/org.lcsim

9 Application in Detector Design Detector optimization using PFA Calorimeter segmentation study Pion-zero reconstruction in ECAL+HCAL Isolated gamma finding in ECAL HCAL optimization using PFA Tamaki Yoshioka’s talk Hiroaki Ono’s talk Daniel Jeans’ talk Hitoshi Hano’s talk Ties Behnke’s talk

10 Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) ILC detectors are required good jet energy resolution for the precise measurement of jetty events. Jet energy measured by Charged (~60%) : Tracker Photon (~30%) : EM calorimeter Neutral hadron (~10%) : EM/HD calorimeter Required performance to separate W/Z mass. Hiroaki Ono’s talk

11 Calorimeter Geometry in Jupiter Solenoid TPC VTX, IT 229.8cm 349.4cm 299.8cm 419.4cm Readout Line =10cm 270cm Endcap.InnerRadius=40cm Barrel HCAL Barrel ECAL Endcap ECAL Endcap HCAL Barrel.InnerRadius=210cm Barrel.HalfZ=280cm 210cm 280cm IP Tamaki Yoshioka’s talk

12 Calorimeter Structure Absorber Active Layer Current cell size : 1x1cm Can be changed. ECAL W/Scinti./Gap 3/2/1 (mm) x 33 layers HCAL Fe/Scinti./Gap 20/5/1 (mm) x 46 layers Tamaki Yoshioka’s talk

13 Optimization using PFA With the PFA, we can start detector configuration optimization. - B-field - Calorimeter inner radius - Hadron Calorimeter depth - Calorimeter absorber material - TPC endplate thickness - Calorimeter granularity (Ono-san’s talk) - etc … Check jet Energy resolution Tamaki Yoshioka’s talk Physics events: Z  qq(uds) at 91.2 GeV and 350 GeV

14 Calorimeter Segmentation We studied the cheated/realistic PFA performance with different cell/strip segmentation. In cheated PFA, Z->qq event has analyzed and charged and neutral cluster overlapping contribute Ecm=91GeV : Almost no segmentation effect has been observed. Ecm=350GeV: jet energy resolution decrease by segmentation. Realistic PFA performance at high energy region is still low jet resolution, should be improved. 91GeV is used for PFA optimization for now. Hiroaki Ono’s talk

15 Optimization using PFA Jet energy resolution is studied by using Z → qq events. ILC goal of 30%/ √ E has been achieved in the barrel region of the Z-pole events. PFA performance with various GLD configuration has been studied. → High B-field/Large Calorimeter gives better performance as expected. → PFA performance of Pb calorimeter is comparable to that of default configuration. Tamaki Yoshioka’s talk

16 Optimization from isolated  Motivated by GMSB Angular Resolution Study Position Resolution of ECAL cluster Direction of Reconstructed gamma Calorimeter Component Dependence Cell size Dependence Material Dependence Hitoshi Hano’s talk

17 Resolution of isolated   (mrad) cos  cos   (mrad) 1 GeV 2 GeV 5 GeV 10 GeV

18 Results of the isolated  study Angular resolution of default-GLD Calorimeter (W:1cm) The angular resolution is estimated to be 125mrad/√(E/GeV) Dependence on cell size granularity and material dependence (W, Pb) has been studied No significant difference has been observed between 1cm and 0.5cm Lead is better than Tungsten for isolated gamma Energy resolution is same Hitoshi Hano’s talk

19 Pion-zero resolution Daniel Jean’s talk

20 Results of Pion-zero Study Daniel Jean’s talk

21 LDC HCAL Optimization Ties Behnke’s talk

22 ILC Software Test in CALICE Roman Pöschl’s talk

23 Time is short for preparation

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