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Economic Importance of Livestock to NC. Livestock in NC  Notable Areas of livestock production in NC  Hogs  Broilers  Turkeys  Beef Cattle (some)

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Importance of Livestock to NC. Livestock in NC  Notable Areas of livestock production in NC  Hogs  Broilers  Turkeys  Beef Cattle (some)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Importance of Livestock to NC

2 Livestock in NC  Notable Areas of livestock production in NC  Hogs  Broilers  Turkeys  Beef Cattle (some)

3 Livestock in NC  Helps provide jobs and increases tax base.  Selection  Breeding  Feeding  Care  Marketing

4 Economics

5 Economic Importance  Income from livestock, poultry and their products is about twice that from all crops in North Carolina.

6 Economic Importance: Broilers  Income from broilers is about $2.6 billion per year.  More consumption due to health concerns  Broilers are cheaper to raise and require less space  Typically raised with a vertical integration contract  Vertical Integration: two or more steps of production are linked together



9 Economic Importance: Hogs  Income from hogs is about $2.5 billion per year.  Eastern NC is an ideal area for swine production  No hog farms in Western NC  There are fewer swine farms, but larger in size than 10 years ago  Most farms are contract farms  They grow for a specific producer or market  Sometimes vertical integration



12 Economic Importance: Turkeys  Income from turkeys is about $775,000 dollars.  The broad breasted white is the ideal turkey for our area  They adapt well to our climate  Most are raised through artificial insemination


14 Economic Importance: Cattle  Income from cattle is about $275,000 per year.  This include only beef  Dairy farms are dwindling in North Carolina  Dairy cows are more suited for cooler, constant climates


16 Johnston County Stats  Total acres in the county: 506,377  Number of farm acres: 194,090  Average farm size: 156 acres  Average age of farmer: 52

17 Johnston County Stats – Highest Crops  Sweet Potatoes  Acres: 8,600  Production: 1,600,000  Rank: 2

18 Johnston County Stats – Highest Crops  Flue-Cured Tobacco  Acres: 10,800  Production: 22,690,000  Rank: 2

19 Johnston County Stats – Highest Crops  Soybeans  Acres: 55,600  Production: 1,195,000  Rank: 12

20 Johnston County Stats – Highest Crops  Nursery-Greenhouse Production  Acres: n/a  Production: 15,842,000  Rank: 14

21 Johnston County Stats – Highest Yielding Livestock  Hogs and Pigs  Number: 175,000  Rank: 13

22 Johnston County Stats – Highest Yielding Livestock  Turkeys  Number: 305,000  Rank: 14

23 Johnston County Stats – Highest Yielding Livestock  Broilers  Number: 11,300,000  Rank: 20

24 Johnston County Stats – Highest Yielding Livestock  Cattle  Number: 11,100  Rank: 25

25 Johnston County Stats – Highest Yielding Livestock  Layers  Number: 72,000  Rank: 27

26 Johnston County Stats  Total Average Cash Receipts  Livestock, Dairy and Poultry:  $82,616,000, rank: 22  Crops:  $32,385,000, rank: 34  Total (with government payments):  $123,165,731, rank: 25

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