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Issues in Modern America. The Supreme Court  Membership of the US Supreme Court has changed to become more diverse Includes women and minorities: ○ Sandra.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues in Modern America. The Supreme Court  Membership of the US Supreme Court has changed to become more diverse Includes women and minorities: ○ Sandra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues in Modern America

2 The Supreme Court  Membership of the US Supreme Court has changed to become more diverse Includes women and minorities: ○ Sandra Day O’Connor (1 st woman SC Justice), Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas  The decisions of the SC have expanded individual rights in the years since Brown v. Board of Education (1954)  The Civil Rights Movement provided a model that other groups have used to extend civil rights and promote equal justice

3 The Supreme Court continued  The SC protects the individual rights detailed in the Constitution of the United States  The SC identifies a constitutional basis for a right to privacy that is protected from government interference  The SC invalidates acts and executive actions that justices agree exceed the authority granted to gov’t officials by the Constitution of the United States

4 Women  More jobs and more women in the workforce- different jobs Lawyers, doctors, CEOs  Major issue for women equitable pay ○ Glass ceiling (women couldn’t advance further than a man) Affordable day care Pink collar jobs (low paying, low prestige jobs)

5 Immigration  Immigration has increased American diversity and redefined American identity Many immigrants from Asian and Latin American, Middle Eastern countries  Reasons for immigration include: Political freedom Economic opportunity

6 Issues related to immigration policy  Strain on gov’t services Welfare, etc.  Filling low-paying jobs in the United States  Border issues Arizona, Texas  Pathway to citizenship Naturalization  Bilingual Education ELL (ESL)  Increasing cultural diversity

7 Contributions of Immigrants  Diversity in music, visual arts, and literature  Roles in labor force  Achievements in science, engineering, and other fields

8 Space advances  1960s, JFK increased support for the American space program John Glenn- first American to orbit Earth 1969, Neil Armstrong first to walk on the moon ○ “that’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind” Sally Ride- first female American astronaut

9 Technology  Over the past 3 decades, improved technology and media have brought about better access to communication and information for businesses and individuals in both urban and rural areas  As a result, many more Americans have access to global information and viewpoints

10 technological advances  Space exploration Space shuttle Mars rover Voyager missions Hubble telescope  Communications Satellites Global positioning system (GPS) Personal communication devices (cell phones)  Robotics

11 Changes in work, school and health care  Telecommuting  Online course work  Growth of the service industry  Breakthroughs in medical research Jonas Salk- polio vaccine (1950s) Improved medical diagnostics Imaging technologies  Outsourcing and off shoring

12 Ronald Reagan  Reagan’s policies had an impact on the relationship between the federal government and state governments  Reagan and conservative Republicans advocated for: Tax cuts Transfer of responsibilities to state governments Appointment of judges/justices who exercised “judicial restraint” Reduction in number and scope of government programs and regulations Strengthening of US military

13 “Reagan Revolution”  Extended beyond his presidency The election of his vice president, George H.W. Bush The election of centrist Democrat, William J. Clinton The Republican sweet of congressional elections and statehouses in the 1990s The election of George W. Bush as president

14 Federal government and the Economy  Fed gov’t bases its decision on economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rates, rate of inflation and unemployment rate  Gov’t promotes a healthy economy characterized by full employment and low inflation through the actions of: The Federal Reserve The president and Congress

15 Terrorism  The United States has confronted the increase in international terrorism by formulating domestic and international policies aimed at stopping terrorism  Patriot Act  Diplomatic and military initiatives

16 Modern America Modern Presidents

17 John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)  “New Frontier”  Cuba/Beginning of Vietnam/ Assassinated- Lee Harvey Oswald  Famous quote: “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”  NASA Eventually Leads to 1969- Moon Landing- Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong- “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” ○ Apollo 11  Peace Corps


19 Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)  Vietnam Responsible for escalating the Vietnam War ○ Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1964 Heavy Protest- TV war that causes much dislike for the war Tet Offensive- military build-up ○ US successful, but turning point of war-heavy protest from the war after ○ LBJ doesn’t seek re-election for the Democratic Party  Civil Rights President  CRA 1964, Voting Rights Act 1965, CRA 1968  Great Society- PLATFORM-everyone has equal chance War on poverty Race, gender (women’s movement)


21 Richard Nixon (1969-1974)  Vietnam Runs on Peace With Honor- slowly withdrawing troops so the ones don’t die in vain- doesn’t want to lose the war. Vietnamization= replace American troops with Vietnamese. 1970 Bombs Cambodia ○ Leads to heavy college protest- Kent State massacre- “4 dead in Ohio” Meets with China ○ Eases relations with Communist China and Soviet Union Détente- triple balance between USA China and Soviet Union. SALT I- reduce arms First president to go to China

22 Nixon Cont.  Watergate Scandal Gets caught stealing information from the Democratic Headquarters Begins cover up Forces Nixon to resign before he gets impeached Causes Americans not to trust American politics Gerald Ford takes over presidency for 2 years


24 Gerald Ford  Became the first unelected president

25 Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)  Human Rights President/ Collapse of détente with Chinese  Camp David Accords- peace agreement between Egypt and Israel (Middle East Hot Spot!  Iran Hostage Crisis Americans captured by Iran- Carter refused to negotiate- will lead to the election of Ronald Reagan  Domestically- oil prices rose, long lines at gas stations, a recession occurred (mini-depression)


27 Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)  Conservative, social issues (AIDS, homosexuality, drugs, abortion, Affirmative action- Univ. of California v. Bakke)  Reagonomics- give big tax breaks to wealthy business in hope to have money trickle down to the poor- it doesn’t work Relied on supply-side economics- if people paid less taxes they would save more money  Builds up military Star Wars program- forces Soviets to try to compete  End of Communism Collapse of Berlin Wall Glasnost- openness to western culture in USSR Perestrokia- restructuring economic system in USSR


29 George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)  Continues Reagan’s economic policies  Problems in the Middle East Iran-Contra affair-1986- Reagan approved the sale of arms to Iran in their war against Iraq- despite an arms embargo against Iran. The money from the sales would be used to fund the Nicaraguan “Contras” (A rebel group) even after it was prohibited by Congress. ○ Iran promised to release 7 US hostages held in Lebanon by pro-Iranian terrorists

30 George H.W. Bush cont.  Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein claimed oil-rich Kuwait was part of Iraq and invaded then headed towards Saudi Arabia ○ If successful, Iraq would own ½ of the world’s known oil-fields Bush launches Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi control  Had a hard time on domestic front- US was facing a recession- had to raise taxes

31 William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton (1993-2001)  Won election by promising to move away from traditional Democratic policies Set out to tackle health care, budget deficit, crime, and welfare  Health Care Reform-set out to create affordable health care for all Americans Unsuccessful  Budget- cut spending, lowered taxes and in 1997- US had a surplus- 1 st time in 30 years  Terrorism- 1 st bombing of WTC  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)  Scandal in the White House- (re:Monica Lewinsky)- He was impeached by the House of Representatives on perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

32 George W. Bush (2001-2009)  VERY controversial election  September 11, 2001- WTC attacked, Pentagon attacked  War on Terror  Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq  Patriot Act

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