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Credits  Reduce tax liability dollar for dollar  Refundable Taxes withheld/estimated payments Earned income credit  May be as high as 45% of earnings.

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Presentation on theme: "Credits  Reduce tax liability dollar for dollar  Refundable Taxes withheld/estimated payments Earned income credit  May be as high as 45% of earnings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Credits  Reduce tax liability dollar for dollar  Refundable Taxes withheld/estimated payments Earned income credit  May be as high as 45% of earnings More kids, lower income, higher percentage Child tax credit  15% x (Earned Income - $3,000) Adoption credit (beginning in 2010)

2 Credits  Nonrefundable (no check) Offest AMT also  Adoption credit  Child tax credit  Saver’s credit

3 Credits  Child tax credit: $1,000 per child Children under 17 Lives with you You provide majority of support Phaseout:  $50 for every $1,000 AGI exceeds $110,000 for MFJ $75,000 single  Two kids; MFJ AGI $150,000

4 Dependent care credit  Generally 20% of child care expenses Up to lesser of:  amount of earned income of lowest paid spouse  $3,000 for one child; $6,000 for more Reduced by amount reimbursed by employer If AGI is less than $43,000, % is higher  Up to 35% if AGI < $15,000

5 Credit for Elderly/Disabled  Elderly 65 or older  Disabled: total and permanent  15% x $5,000 – (AGI – $10,000) If married, and only one qualifies  15% x $7,500 – (AGI – $10,000) If married, and both qualify

6 Credits  Hope American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2/09)  Replaced with American Opportunity Credit 100% of first $2,000 25% of next $2,000 Maximum credit $2,500  First four years of college  For 2009 and 2010  Phaseout: $160,000 to $180,000 MFJ  40% of credit is refundable  Lifetime

7 Credits  Adoption Up to $13,170 in 2010  Per child; for expenses paid out of pocket  Phase out: $182,180 - $222,180  Can also exclude up to $10,000 of employer reimbursement

8 Credits  Foreign tax credit Withholding on dividends Credit is limited to amount of U.S. tax would have paid on dividend Can carry back excess two years and then forward five years

9 Credits  Retirement Savings tax credit Credit for employee contributions to:  401(k) or other qualified plan  IRAs (including Roth) MFJ AGI up to $33,000 in 2009 Get credit for 50% of contributions up to $2,000 for maximum of $1,000 credit MFJ AGI $33 - $53,000 in 2009  Get credit for 10% of contributions up to $2,000 for maximum of $200 credit Can’t be a full-time student for five calendar months

10 Credits  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2/09) Making Work Pay Credit  2009 and 2010  6.2% of earned income up to $800 MFJ  Phaseout: $150,000 to $190,000 MFJ

11 Credits  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act  First Time Home Buyer Credit  Did not own a primary residence last three years  Purchases of home under contract by 4/30/10 and close by 6/30/10  Refundable credit equal to 10% of purchase price Up to $8,000  Must own home for three years

12 Credits  November 2009 “Long Time Homeowner” Tax Credit  Lived in home five consecutive years of last eight years  Credit up to $6,500

13 Calculation of Tax  Taxable Income: $200,000  Amount of Tax: Appendix E

14 Payments of Tax  Withholding Based on W-4  Increase exemptions; less tax withheld  Estimated payments: required if: Income not subject to withholding creates tax more than $1,000 Had tax liability last year

15 Payments of Tax  Estimated Payments Quarterly: 4/15; 6/15; 9/15; 1/15  Pay lower of: 90% of this year’s tax 100% of prior year’s tax  If AGI more than $150,000 MFJ:  Pay lower of: 90% of this year’s tax 110% of prior year’s tax

16 Self-employment tax  Work for yourself; not an employee No s-e tax if earnings less than $400 If s-e income > $400  S-E tax = s-e income x 15.3%  If addition to income tax  Can deduct ½ of s-e tax in calculating income tax

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