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Managing and Integrating Geography Models in Distributed Environment Xiaolin Wang, Yingwei Luo Dept. of Computer Science and Technology,

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Presentation on theme: "Managing and Integrating Geography Models in Distributed Environment Xiaolin Wang, Yingwei Luo Dept. of Computer Science and Technology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing and Integrating Geography Models in Distributed Environment Xiaolin Wang, Yingwei Luo Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University 2011.7

2 Outline  Background  Model Contract Metadata Standard for Geography Model Integration Standard for Geographic Model  Model Contract Execute Engine  Example of Model Contract  Summary

3 Background  Study on Distributed Geographical Modeling Environment for Geographical Problems Solving A Key Project from National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2008-2011 Goals  Share and reuse geographical models in distributed environment  Construct a distributed geographical modeling, sharing, integrating and running environment for geographical problems solving  Nanjing Normal University & Peking University Prof. Lv Guonian & Prof. Luo Yingwei

4 Mapping Associating 地理计算 模型执行 地理计算 模型执行 地理计算 模型执行 地理计算 模型执行 Geographical Concepts Geographical Concept Model Geographical Executing Model Interpreting 地理计算 模型执行 Geographical Computing Model Executing Geographical Model Sharing Environment Geographical Problems Existing Geographical Model Resources Solving Result for Geographical Problems Basic Geographical Computing Model Lib Method Lib Algorithm Lib Interpreting Encapsulatin g Modeling Geographical Model Executing Environment Geographical Modeling Environment Distributed Geographical Modeling Environment

5 Researches  Core Research Content Model Contract Design (this paper focuses on) Model contract Execute Engine Design & Implement  Technology Service-Oriented & Distributed Architecture Model as Web Service Compose different services into new model according to geographical process

6 Model Contract  Bridge for Geography phenomena and Computer solving problem. A structure language to represent the integration of geography models. Describe the model self  atom model: basic info.  composite model: structure info. Represent the work flow in models  Model interactive  Execution info. for model contract engine

7 Key Points to Design Model Contract  Describe a geography model’s features Which should be known  Integrate or reuse the shared models Construct composite model Represent work flow in models  Information for model contract execution engine Engine access models(as service) following the work flow defined in model contract

8 Model Contract Content  Metadata standard for geography model  Integration standard for geographic model Integrates the standardized geography model through some combinations method and uses them to simulate new geographical scenarios to achieve new geography functions Work flow(execution stream) for geographic model

9 Metadata Standard for Geography Model  Describe a geography model’s features  Design of semantic database describe parameters in the semantic level automatic matching of the input and output in the models  Specific design of metadata standard the standardization in the aspect of computer science recorded through an xml document

10 Specific Design of Metadata Standard

11 Specific Design of Metadata Standard

12 Integration Standard for Geographic Model  Integrate or reuse the shared models  Model contract type Concept model contract Executable model contract  Integration type Composite model structure Work flow in models

13 Integration Standard for Composite Model Structure

14 Integration Standard for Work Flow

15 Model Contract Execute Engine  Core for distributed geographical model execution environment. Parser model contract Interpretive execution for model contract

16 Example of Model Contract  One atomic model example  One atomic model and one composite model example

17 One atomic model example  Assume SWAT as an atomic model which model ID is m1.  Encapsulate SWAT as Web Service Reference: Web Service Encapsulation of FORTRAN-based Geographical Model(IGARSS 2010) SWAT Input data Output data

18 One atomic model example

19 One atomic model example

20 One atomic model and one composite model example  Suppose the rainfall would influence surface river and surface water infiltration in a certain region.  Atomic model: rainfall model  Composite model: surface water model Composited by surface river and surface water infiltration models which executed parallelly Rainfall model Surface river model Surface water infiltration Surface water model Input data Output data

21 One atomic model and one composite model example Rainfall model Surface river model Surface water infiltration model Surface water model Input data Output data Rainfall model Surface river model Surface water infiltration model Surface water model Surface water model struct

22 One atomic model and one composite model example

23 One atomic model and one composite model example

24 One atomic model and one composite model example

25 One atomic model and one composite model example

26 One atomic model and one composite model example

27 One atomic model and one composite model example

28 Summary  Design model contract to describe the model and represent work flow in models. Metadata standard for atom and composite model Integration standard for composite model structure and work flow in models  With model contract execution engine Integrate and reuse geography models

29 Thanks! Q&A Discussion

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