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Students: Write the vocabulary word above the red line on one side of an index card then flip the card over and write its definition. Use these cards to.

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Presentation on theme: "Students: Write the vocabulary word above the red line on one side of an index card then flip the card over and write its definition. Use these cards to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students: Write the vocabulary word above the red line on one side of an index card then flip the card over and write its definition. Use these cards to study for the test. Good Luck!!! Review for Child Development

2 maturation Biological growth process

3 Teratogens Harmful substances that can pass through the Placenta

4 Fetal alcohol syndrome Causes physical and mental abnormalities

5 Jean Piaget Psychologist who studied children’s cognitive development

6 Schemas Mental frameworks to help organize information

7 Assimilation Using past experiences to interpret new experiences

8 Cognition Mental activities such as thinking

9 Accommodation Adapting what we already know to include new information

10 Object permanence Understanding an object can exist even when not visible

11 Conservation Understanding that mass is the same when placed in different shaped containers

12 Attachment Emotional tie to another person

13 Imprinting When animals form attachments during the critical period

14 Responsive parents Create secure children by answering their needs

15 Authoritarian parents Very strict and demanding

16 Permissive Parents Rarely discipline /create no boundaries

17 Authoritative parents Create a firm but nurturing environment; child participates with clearly defined boundaries

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