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How do we calculate gradient? Remember Vocab Quiz Tomorrow as your anchor (don’t be late) Words 1-20 Anchor: Answer the Regents Questions and discuss the.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we calculate gradient? Remember Vocab Quiz Tomorrow as your anchor (don’t be late) Words 1-20 Anchor: Answer the Regents Questions and discuss the."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we calculate gradient? Remember Vocab Quiz Tomorrow as your anchor (don’t be late) Words 1-20 Anchor: Answer the Regents Questions and discuss the answers with your group.

2 How can we calculate gradient?

3 Calculating Gradient 20) Gradient: The rate at which a slope changes Steps 1) Find the distance in feet or meters between the two points for which you want to find the the gradient. 2) Use the map key to measure the actual distance in miles or kilometers. 3) Create a simple fraction and slimily if needed. 1000ft/4 miles or 250 ft/mi

4 Example 1)If the elevation between two points is 100 feet. The distance is 10 miles what is the gradient? Steps Formula from Reference table (pg 1) Change in field value / distance 1)100 feet (field value) / 10 miles (distance) 2)Simplify 10ft/mi (note your don’t need a number after the / if it is 1) This means every mile you walk you will gain or lose 10 feet in elevation. Question: Is the is hill gentle or steep, how do you know?

5 Finding Gradient using a map


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