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References A. Good Intros 1. Knoke, David and Peter J. Burke (1980), Log Linear Modeling, Sage. 2. Fienberg, Stephen E. (1980), The Analysis of Cross-Classified.

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Presentation on theme: "References A. Good Intros 1. Knoke, David and Peter J. Burke (1980), Log Linear Modeling, Sage. 2. Fienberg, Stephen E. (1980), The Analysis of Cross-Classified."— Presentation transcript:

1 References A. Good Intros 1. Knoke, David and Peter J. Burke (1980), Log Linear Modeling, Sage. 2. Fienberg, Stephen E. (1980), The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data. (2 nd ed). Cambridge: The MIT Press. 3.Kennedy, John J. (1983), Analyzing Qualitative Data: Introductory Log-Linear Analysis for Behavioral Research. NY: Praeger. 4.Menard, Scott (1995) Applied Logistic Regression Analysis, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (Might also see Demaris, Alfred (1992) Logit Modeling: Practical Applications, Newbury Park, CA: Sage.) 5.Reynolds, H. T. (1984), Analysis of Nominal Data 2 nd ed., Sage. B.Intermediate 1.Agresti, Alan (1990), Categorical Data Analysis, NY: Wiley. 2.Long, J. Scott (1997), Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables, Sage.

2 References C. Advanced Topics (more thorough, but more difficult reading) 1.Bishop, Yvonne M.M., Stephen E. Fienberg, and Paul W. Holland (1975), Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: The MIT Press. 2.Goodman, Leo A. (1978), Analyzing Qualitative/Categorical Data. Cambridge, MA: ABT Books. 3.Haberman, Shelby (1978; 1979), The Analysis of Qualitative Data, Volumes I and II. NY: Academic Press. D. Special Topics 1.Agresti, Alan (1984), Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data, NY: Wiley. Also see Agresti, Alan (1989), “Tutorial on Modeling Ordered Categorical Response Data,” Psychological Bulletin, 105 (2), 290-301. 2.Aldrich, John H. and Forrest D. Nelson (1984), Linear Probability, Logit, and Probit Models, Newbury Park, CA: Sage. (Might also see Liao, Tim Futing (1994), Interpreting Probability Models: Logit, Probit, and Other Generalized Linear Models, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.) 3.Gibbons, Jean Dickinson (1993), Nonparametric Statistics: An Introduction, Sage. 4.Gibbons, Jean Dickinson (1993), Nonparametric Measures of Association, Sage

3 References Iacobucci, Dawn and Ann L. McGill (1990), “Analysis of Attribution Data: Theory Testing and Effects Estimation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59 (3), 426-441.

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