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1 Manager Groups An innovative way to organize your classes Created and presented by... Jesse Bergman.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Manager Groups An innovative way to organize your classes Created and presented by... Jesse Bergman."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Manager Groups An innovative way to organize your classes Created and presented by... Jesse Bergman

2 2 Timing of Manager Groups Presentation & Prep Time Slide 1Introduction, my school, my roles, sit in four groups, one desk each Slide 2Timing slide, research jobs, Lesson group handouts of slide show & descriptions Lesson prepares: Who Writes Date/Title, All Come Up, Say Ann, Read LG Who Does Handouts, Review Activity Video prepares: Who Presents Slide 4 (with your own notes), Who Presents the Spreadsheet Support prepares: Quiz (Method, Questions, Marking, How Self-Assess, Who Ann) Shared Doc Relax Fun: Who will Call for Things, Fact of the Day, Free Reading Policy (allowed to work?) Slide 3Lesson: Date, Title, Announcements, Learning Goal Video: Go in just a moment Support: Upcoming quizzes/tests. Help document. Relax/fun: Fact of the day Slide 4Video group presents "video" slide 4 (with sheet); shows spreadsheet of managers; Lesson group hands it out Slide 5-9 Bergman presents; Lesson group: handout outline and little rating sheets Slide 10Support Group: Quiz Slide 11-13Bergman presents, Support Group Marks Quiz Slide 14Relax Fun: Calls for something Slide 15-17Bergman presents Slide 18Two minutes of Free Reading. Relax/Fun reads Free Reading Policy. Slide 19Support Group: Shares Doc, Returns Quizzes. Lesson Group: Review Activity. Slide 20Bergman shows pictures and videos. Slide 21End. Questions? Discussion.

3 3 Lesson - Manager Groups Intro LG: I understand how manager groups work. LG: I can use manager groups in my classroom. (All groups are called on at the start of a lesson)

4 4 Division of Manager Groups I organize each class into 4 manager groups: 1) Lesson 2) Video 3) Support 4) Relax/Fun I divide up the class alphabetically into groups in the first week. Handout spreadsheet.

5 5 Organization of Managers I separate the class into approximately equal groups, usually alphabetically. Each month, I handout (and post online) an outline. Each day, the four groups are called at the beginning of class for their tasks. I meet with all groups every day or two – sometimes they stay at their desk, sometimes they come up, sometimes we meet in the back. Manager groups can call their own meetings without asking me, after the lesson is done. Midway through a month, we do an informal checkin – they rate their members with fingers with a level from 1 to 4. At the end of the month, they fill out little slips where they name each member and give them a level from 1 to 4.

6 6 Lesson Group Responsibilities 1) Writes the date, title, learning goal and homework on the board. 2) When the bell rings, I say "Lesson Group". One or more of their members introduces the lesson. 3) Passes out handouts and organizes the use of graphing calculators. 4) Goes over the test outline (that I create) with the class before a test. 5) Plans and delivers a review activity before a test. 6) Creates test solutions.

7 7 Lesson Group Suggestions Make sure they stand at front for the lesson introduction. Go over review activity with them beforehand. Review Activities: Concept Map Creation, Mind Map Creation, Fishbone Creation, Alphabet A-Z for Concepts, Graffiti, Hangman, Whiteboards, Frayer/Frame/Placemat, Debate, Venn Diagram, Teams/Games/Tournament, Write a Poem/Song (Perform), Pass the Question Back, Make an Image.

8 8 Video Group Responsibilities 1) Reviews videos for presentation in class. 2) Presents videos (my hand) to the class using their voice over the video. They can pause and rewind as necessary. 3) Takes questions during the video. 4) Supports the class if they are watching videos on individual computers. 5) Prepares, films and uploads two videos of their own per month.

9 9 Video Group Suggestions Make sure that the students are prepared. Allow them to use the volume of the video if a person is absent, and for their first week. The teacher needs to have a group of videos covering most topics. Allow them to run the class – including fielding questions; but support them if they are stuck. I raise my hand when I have a question or comment. They tell me ahead of time to book a lab if they want students on individual computers.

10 10 Quiz – right now! Support group gives 2-3 question quiz. Support group gives instructions of how to set up for quiz. Make sure they direct a self-assessment and a peer-assessment.

11 11 Support Group Responsibilities 1) Prepares an online document for the units. 2) Prepares a paper document for the units. 3) Makes/runs/marks/returns all quizzes. 4) Supplies test solutions – from someone in their group, or someone else in the class. 5) Says reminders for upcoming quizzes, tests and other events.

12 12 Support Group Suggestions Have online doc and paper notes ready by the review day. Quizzes should have at least one NTS. Quizzes should have a consistent scale, with a peer and self assessment. They should check during the quiz that students wrote their names, their NTS and their self-assessment. Quizzes should be short and basic. Test solutions should come from someone in the class – errors should be corrected.

13 13 Relax/Fun Group Responsibilities 1) Calls for Social Justice & Enrichment. 2) Calls for Stories. 3) Calls for Stretches. 4) Puts up a Fact of the Day every day. 5) Writes and presents a policy for Free Reading. 6) Writes and presents a policy for Freetime. 7) Comes up with ideas for Foolin' in Schoolin'. 8) Writes and presents something creative and fun of their own.

14 14 Relax/Fun Group Calls For... Relax Fun Group can interject anytime... try it now, including for things like: Story Stretch Social Justice/Enrichment Something Else

15 15 Relax/Fun Group Suggestions Remember to call for SJ/Enriched, stories and stretches. Have a list of facts with at least 2 people. Come up with written policies. (When/how does it start, what is allowed, when does it end, what about bathroom, music, if someone comes in late, if someone comes to talk to Mr. Bergman) They need help coming up with something else fun: pictionary, chalk, duck/duck/goose, rock/paper scissor championship, ha-yah, dance, videos from internet, etc...

16 16 Monthly Manager Transfer Manager groups stay the same – but they switch responsibilities each month. At the end of the month, they rate each of their members with a level from 1 to 4. We bring a row of desk together. Group 1 starts at the back. Group 2 comes back, and explains what their group did. Group 2 gives any hints, tips and suggestions. Group 1 & 2 shake hands, Group 1 leaves & Group 2 stays. Each member gives feedback to the group and me about how to improve their process. Repeat (now Group 3 comes up to Group 2).

17 17 End of the Semester Tasks Manager groups rate each other a final time. I use those final assessments in my professional judgement when I assign a final grade. In the final month, each manager group has a final task of 30 - 40 minutes: Lesson – Final Review Activity. Video – Show/review student videos & list of key videos to watch. Support – Make a full course quiz, with 1 key question per unit. Relax/Fun – Plan something fun. Mr. Bergman contributes $10 to the budget.

18 18 Relax/Fun – Free Reading Time Read and then follow the Relax/Fun Group's Free Reading Policy

19 19 Support Doc & Review Activity Support Group shares notes with the group (and returns quizzes). Lesson Group does a review activity!

20 20 Pictures & Videos Here are some pictures and videos of managers in action!

21 21 Questions? Let me know if I can help you implement this idea, in your own way! Jesse Bergman – Math Co-Department Head School: Centre Wellington DHS 905 Scotland St., Fergus, Ont. N1H 1Y7 Phone: 519-843-2500 xt. 591 Email: Website:

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