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Presentation by Leo La France Assistant Deputy Minister, SSCAAA November 26, 2009 Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Leo La France Assistant Deputy Minister, SSCAAA November 26, 2009 Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Leo La France Assistant Deputy Minister, SSCAAA November 26, 2009 Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport

2 The Secteur des services à la communauté anglophone et des affaires autochtones (SSCAAA) carries out its mandate under the authority of the Assistant Deputy Minister for Services to the English-speaking Community and Aboriginal Affairs. Who we are: SSCAAA Secteur des services à la communauté anglophone et aux affaires autochtones DPLA Direction de la production en langue anglaise DPP Direction des politiques et des projets Leo La France Assistant Deputy Minister Liette Michaud Director Leo La France Director 2 DAA Affaires autochtones Leo La France Interim Director

3 Secteur des services à la communauté anglophone et des affaires autochtones (SSCAAA) Leo La France Liette Michaud Richard Bastien Laurent Trudel Juliette Larouche Lupita Kerwin 3 Assistant Deputy Minister Director of the DPLA Assistant to the Assistant Deputy Minister Coordinator for the Canada-Québec Agreement Funds (ECQ) Secretary to the Assistant Deputy Minister Professionnal associated with Direction des communications

4 Direction des affaires autochtones (DAA) Professionals Nathalie Belhumeur Anny Bussières 4

5 Direction de la production en langue anglaise (DPLA) Coordinator Raquel Arranz Translators Phyllis AronoffColin Fitch Lana GeorgieffMeaghan Girard William GoreLouise Hinton Don McGrathMargret Martin Wendy MillIvana Spagnoli Allan Van MeerJodi Way-Rodrigues Support Staff Myriam BrunelleMireille Rousseau Brigitte LamarreFrancine Turgeon 5

6 Direction des politiques et des projets (DPP) Team Leader Konrad Muncs Professionals Carole ArsenaultSam Boskey Christie BrownNadia Ghagi Jill GoldbergLouise Marzinotto Elaine RoyDiane Shank Lisa StorozukLuc Lépine Support Staff Nicole BernardLise Dionne Solange Cadotte 6

7 MELS Mandate for SSCAAA To promote and support the implementation of Ministry policies and orientations in English and Aboriginal schools and centres, in collaboration with other sectors of the Ministry. In this context, SSCAAA assumes the following responsibilities: Ensures that ministerial policies, orientations and programs are aligned with the needs of the communities we serve Establishes, encourages and supports the implementation process of the Québec Education Program Assists English school boards in developing partnership agreements and completing school success plans Coordinates services and projects aimed at promoting quality education in English schools Accompanies and supports Aboriginal educational institutions in attaining their objectives and facilitates communications and the sharing of expertise between these institutions and the Ministry 7

8 Other SSCAAA Responsibilities Initiates projects enabling the communities we serve to maintain the quality of their educational services Ensures the provision of expertise within MELS on the cultural and linguistic needs of the communities we serve Represents MELS in meeting the aspirations of the communities we serve regarding education in the youth and adult sectors and in vocational and technical training Translates into English Ministry documents essential to the pedagogical and information needs of the communities we serve, in a timely fashion and according to the provisions of MELS linguistic policy Manages the Canada-Québec agreement for Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction Provides administrative support to the Advisory Board on English Education 8

9 Taking Stock and Moving Forward A Look Back Representation: All levels of education - elementary and secondary schools, adult and vocational training centres, colleges and universities Associations and organizations working in the English educational community MELS personnel 9

10 Taking Stock and Moving Forward A Look Back A discussion paper was presented to all participants The role of SSCA within the MELS was explained A prototype resource map of support to the English educational community was presented to participants Important feedback on the seven (7) themes of the discussion paper was collected from the participants The seven themes: Materials and Resources Professional Development Special Needs/Inclusive Education Student Retention Governance Lifelong Learning Leadership 10

11 Moving Forward 11 At Forum I, the SSCAAA undertook to: Analyze the ideas and recommendations put forward at the Forum Formulate an orientation paper for SSCAAA, based on the feedback received Put forward the orientation paper to the Bureau du sous-ministre for ratification Present this orientation paper to the English educational community in the Fall of 2009

12 What has been accomplished since Forum I? Availability of a monthly bulletin on SSCAAA activities Improvement of the MELS Web site for the English community Establishment of the LCEEQ* and it position to become a strong voice for the English educational community Development of a resource map that will be accessible on-line by February 2010 *Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec (LCEEQ) 12

13 Moving Forward Goal for Forum II To establish a renewed framework for collaboration between the SSCAAA, other sectors of the Ministry and the English educational community in order to support the implementation of Ministry policies and orientations in English schools and centres. 13

14 Expectations for the Day Participants in Forum II will be asked to: Validate the What we heard section of the orientation paper for each of the issues addressed Discuss SSCAAA’s response and proposed actions Discuss the implications of this proposal for the English educational community 14

15 The Orientation Paper Introduces the vision, priorities and mandate of the SSCAAA Presents eight (8) targets that respond to the issues of concern articulated by the participants of Forum I Presents a synopsis of what we heard about these issues Presents SSCAAA’s response to the concerns heard Presents some of the key actions SSCAAA proposes to take over the next several years 15

16 Here are two of the accomplishments since Forum I Improvement of MELS Web site for the English community Development of a Community Resource Map 16

17 MELS Web site 17

18 Support to the English Educational Community: Resource Map The purpose of the resource map is to provide information on the following: The resources available in support of MELS policies and orientations Which resources can be applied for The source of funding for these resources The contact person at SSCAAA for information about these resources 18

19 Resource Map 19

20 The Three R’s of Working Together Reality: We have to work collaboratively with the communities we serve, in respecting our mandate within MELS, to ensure that our actions are strategic and effective. Resources: We have to have a clear understanding of the needs, strengths and challenges of these communities, to be able to ascertain the kind of specific support required for the implementation of Ministry policies and orientations in the communities we serve. Relationships: We need to develop respectful working relationships within MELS and with the communities we serve, in order to build a solid communication network and mutual trust. 20

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