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Content: 1. Change of the Mind-set (no more sand and see!) 1. Change of the Mind-set (no more sand and see!) 2. Product development (strategy) 2. Product.

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Presentation on theme: "Content: 1. Change of the Mind-set (no more sand and see!) 1. Change of the Mind-set (no more sand and see!) 2. Product development (strategy) 2. Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 Content: 1. Change of the Mind-set (no more sand and see!) 1. Change of the Mind-set (no more sand and see!) 2. Product development (strategy) 2. Product development (strategy) 3. Skills necessary for particular product 3. Skills necessary for particular product 4. Where to find and how to implement 4. Where to find and how to implement 5. Life long learning… 5. Life long learning…

2 1. Change of the Mind-set Resource vs. Knowledge (no more sand and see tourism!) Resource vs. Knowledge (no more sand and see tourism!) Croatian experience 2000-2008 Croatian experience 2000-2008 Cluster around Association of Small and Family Hotels Cluster around Association of Small and Family Hotels Study tours, presenting exact numbers, benefits, road map, assistance Study tours, presenting exact numbers, benefits, road map, assistance


4 2. Product development (strategy) Once the mind was changed -- the strategy has to be developed Once the mind was changed -- the strategy has to be developed How am I? What is my business? What is the key selling point or unique sales proposition? How do I differ? Why the customers returns? How am I? What is my business? What is the key selling point or unique sales proposition? How do I differ? Why the customers returns? What I need to do to change my business? What is my strategy? What I need to do to change my business? What is my strategy?

5 Product development (strategy) (2) Cluster or strong association is a KEY!!! Cluster or strong association is a KEY!!! Assistance in strategy development and implementation… Assistance in strategy development and implementation… Assistance in training and standardization Assistance in training and standardization Quality control and institutional support for new segment of value added tourism Quality control and institutional support for new segment of value added tourism

6 Skills necessary for particular product Every great product has its customer --segmentation! Every great product has its customer --segmentation!Segmentation:   Develop Consumer Profile in each Market Segment   Determining the Attractiveness of each Market Segment   Selecting Target Markets   Develop Positioning Strategy for each Target Market   Develop Marketing Mix for each Target Market – the 7P’s! Hospitality standards + Specialization + Quality Control + Continuous Improvements = Success! Hospitality standards + Specialization + Quality Control + Continuous Improvements = Success!

7 Skills necessary for particular product (2) High hospitality standards and excellent CRM is a MUST!!! High hospitality standards and excellent CRM is a MUST!!! Specialization: Eno-tourism, Etno-tourism, Gastro, Religious, Congress, Cultural, Adventure (Biking, Hiking, Tracking), Romance… Specialization: Eno-tourism, Etno-tourism, Gastro, Religious, Congress, Cultural, Adventure (Biking, Hiking, Tracking), Romance… Generic business skills (still missing!): Generic business skills (still missing!): 1. Definition of goals, strategy, planning (MOST, SWOT, GAP) 2. Definition of business policy 3. Product development and sales 4. Process – business operations 5. HR Management 6. Financial planing and control (models) 7. Accounting and legal requirements 8. Marketing and branding, sales and distribution chanells 9. CRM!!!

8 Skills necessary for particular product (3) Hospitality skills and training: Hospitality skills and training: 1.Gastronomy and wine 2.Restaurant offering policy – what, how, niche or generic 3.Service, special skills (sommeliers, slow food) 4.Restaurant supply, managing stocks 5.Standars (ISO HACCP) 6.Example: The Tale of Croatian Food

9 Skills necessary cont. (4) 7. Managing customers satisfaction 8. Managing complains and problem solving techniques (The customer is ALWAYS right!) 7. Specific and unusual examples – how to handle? 8. Customer expectations and education 9. Customer treatment 10. Basic norms of hospitality personell 11. Bon-ton

10 4. Where to find and how to implement Training - In the region already available Training - In the region already available Best implemetation through Associations and clusters – example OMH Best implemetation through Associations and clusters – example OMH Strong support by the Ministries and regional gov. Strong support by the Ministries and regional gov. Best apply regional experience (similar cultural and historical elements) Best apply regional experience (similar cultural and historical elements) Example in Croatia (OMH Academy, Tourism schools, ACMT in Dubrovnik…) Example in Croatia (OMH Academy, Tourism schools, ACMT in Dubrovnik…)

11 5. Life long learning… The World today is changing fast The World today is changing fast The tourism trends are changing faster!!! The tourism trends are changing faster!!! Work on yourself or you area out of the game (example: I am in this business 30 years…= soon out of business if you do not learn and change?!) Work on yourself or you area out of the game (example: I am in this business 30 years…= soon out of business if you do not learn and change?!) Today in Croatia the most success have a newcomers… (example San Rocco, best small hotel of 2007 was founded few years ago!) Today in Croatia the most success have a newcomers… (example San Rocco, best small hotel of 2007 was founded few years ago!)

12 5. Life long learning… from this… to this…

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