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Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 石家庄市职教中心 王岩.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 石家庄市职教中心 王岩."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 石家庄市职教中心 王岩

2 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 Please talk about the picture and say as much as you can. ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework Who? Where? When? What?

3 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 1. Listen. Do you know where the Manuel’s Restaurant is? River Street Hill Street On Hill Street. On the right. Next to the parking lot. ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework

4 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 Man: May I help you, please? You: … Man : River’s? it’s right around the corner. On Hill Street. Do you know where that is? You: … Man : Well, River’s is down that street… in the new building next to the parking lot. It’s on the right-hand side of the street. You: … Man : It’s on Hill Street. On the right. Next to the parking lot. You: … Man : Sure. No problem. ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework 2. Please speak out your part with your partner.

5 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 Man: … You: Yes, I’m looking for River’s Restaurant. Man: … You: Hill Street? Yes. Man: … You: Excuse me? Man: … You: Thanks. Man: … ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework 3. Please speak out the man’s part with your partner.

6 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 1) “Do you know where the parking lot is?” 2)“It’s on the right side of the street.” 3) “It’s right around the corner.” 4. Listen. Choose your response. a. Oh, yes. It’s next to Green’s Supermarket. b. Thanks. a. Well, good luck! b. Next to the post office? a. I’m a looking for the school. b. On Lake Street? ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework

7 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 5. Listen and choose the proper response. a. Thank you very much. b. Excuse me? a. Next to the parking lot? Good. b. Oh, yes. a. Yes. I’m looking for the bank. b. Yes. Excuse me. 1. Do you know where Hill Street is? 2. It’s right next to the parking lot. 3. May I help you? ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework

8 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework 1. Listen to the conversation 1. Where is the supply room? ① _______ the hall on the ______ ____________ the office down right across from the supply room

9 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework 2. Listen to the conversation 2. Where is the supermarket? _______ the street on the ______ across from _________ down left the bank the supermarket ②

10 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework 3. Listen to the conversation 3. Where’s the hospital? ③ down the street on the _______ between ______________ and ________________ left the parking lot Washington School the hospital

11 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework Please talk about where these places are. ① ② ③ the supply room the supermarket the hospital down the… on the … across from… between… and…

12 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework ① Man 1: Hi. I’m here to deliver this copy paper. Do you know where the supply room is? Man 2: Excuse me? Man 1: The supply room. Man 2: Sure. The supply room is down the hall on the right. It’s across from the office. Man 1: Down the hall, and across from the office. Thanks. I’m sure I can find it. Listen and repeat. Then read with your partner. to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person

13 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework Man: Excuse me. I’m looking for the supermarket. Do you know where that is? Woman: The supermarket? Hmmm. It’s down the street on the left. It’s across from the bank. Man: Across from the bank. Got it. Thanks. Woman: You’re welcome. Listen and repeat. Then read with your partner. ②

14 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework Woman: Hi. I need some directions. Do you happen to know where the hospital is? Man: The hospital? You bet. It’s down the street on the left. It’s between the parking lot and … uh … Washington School. Man: Between what? Woman: Between the parking lot and the school. Man: Great. Thanks a lot. Woman: No problem. Listen and repeat. Then read with your partner. 一点儿没错;当然(我知道)。 It’s true that I know where the hospital is. ③

15 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 A. Speak out your own response. Use the map from question 3. ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework I’m looking for the parking lot. Do you know where it is? Excuse me? Oh, thanks.

16 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 B. Discussion. Talk about places near our school. ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework A: I’m looking for… B: … A: Excuse me… B: … 1) Which of the places are near our school, the bank, the post office, the bus stop, the supermarket or the hospital? 2) Can you make a map about them on the blackboard? 3) Please create a conversation according to the map with your partner?

17 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1 ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework I know more expressions about asking for directions: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I can read the map. ask for directions. give directions. follow the directions.

18 Unit 2 Asking the way — Authentic practice 1  Read the conversation in Authentic practice 1.  Finish the exercises 10 、 11 on Page 147. ConversationCheck timeDo it yourselfListening comprehensionHomework

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