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WELCOME TO OUR… P4 Parents’ Briefing SBB (Subject-Based Banding) Progression from P4 to P5 Welcome and Good Morning to all Parents. Good to see you today.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO OUR… P4 Parents’ Briefing SBB (Subject-Based Banding) Progression from P4 to P5 Welcome and Good Morning to all Parents. Good to see you today."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO OUR… P4 Parents’ Briefing SBB (Subject-Based Banding) Progression from P4 to P5 Welcome and Good Morning to all Parents. Good to see you today. Thank you for making time to be here amidst your busy schedule at work or at home.

2 SBB Options Adhere closely to MOE guidelines
Provide choice and flexibility to pupils To ensure that pupils take subjects which BEST meet their abilities 5 options offered by the school In Marsiling Primary, how does SBB work actually? Well, to start with, our processes adhere very closely to the guidelines set by MOE. Through the options that we offer, we want to ensure that we provide all our P4 students the choice and flexibility for them to take the subjects which best meet their needs and abilities.

3 SBB Option 1 – 4S1H Performance Combination
Passes in all 4 subjects Performs very well in Mother Tongue – 80% and above Performs very well in English Language, Maths and Sciience – 75% and above 4 Standard Subjects + Higher Mother Tongue English Language Mathematics Science Mother Tongue Higher Mother Tongue Make careful decisions. For eg. Can opt for HMT but must ensure that child is very strong in the other subjects and is steady, meaning that the child has the capacity and ability to handle 5 subjects with HMT added in. And once child gets this combination, they need to receive full support from the family not only in P5 but throughout the rest of their upper primary years.

4 SBB Option 2 – 4S Performance Combination
Passes in all 4 subjects 4 Standard Subjects English Language Mathematics Science Mother Tongue

5 SBB Option 3 – 2S2F(FMA & FSC)
Performance Combination Passes in both English Language and Mother Tongue Language Fails in Mathematics & Science 2 Standard Subjects English Language Mother Tongue Language 2 Foundation Subjects Foundation Mathematics Foundation Science

6 SBB Option 4 – 3S1F(FMT) (on a case by case basis)
Performance Combination Passes in English Language, Mathematics & Science Fails in Mother Tongue Language 3 Standard Subjects English Language Mathematics Science 1 Foundation Subject Foundation Mother Tongue Language

7 SBB Option 4 – 3F1S(MT) (on a case by case basis)
Performance Combination Passes in Mother Tongue Fails in English Language, Mathematics & Science 1 Standard Subject Mother Tongue 3 Foundation Subjects Foundation English Language Foundation Mathematics Foundation Science

8 SBB Option 5 – 4F Performance Combination 4 Foundation Subjects
Fails in all 4 subjects 4 Foundation Subjects Foundation English Language Foundation Mathematics Foundation Science Foundation Mother Tongue

9 Expectations in Higher Mother Tongue
Different syllabus Extra 1 hour after school HMT aims to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the language, history and culture.

10 Supporting Your Child - Set Targets - Manage Time well
- Establish a Routine - Create a Timetable at home Provide Emotional Support Encourage him/her to have proper diet and sufficient sleep daily Communicate with him/her daily Work closely with the teachers

11 Educational Support Support Objective Status
Structured Remediation Programme To help students who are in the low progress group On-going Maths Enrichment Programme To build higher order thinking skills in high and middle progress groups in Mathematics through problem-solving 10 sessions On-going everyday till T4 (2pm -3.30pm) Science Enrichment Programme To build higher order thinking skills in all students in Science through investigative activities Completed A child’s experiences in MPS are underpinned by your support. Please work with the school and let’s create a positive working relationship with a shared vision that is to grow our children’s potential together. We provide every child equal opportunities. No child is left behind. We differentiate our remediation and enrichment programmes to meet our students’ various needs, those who are in the higher ability group will be stretched while those in lower ability groups will be supported by various programmes to help level them up in their learning.

12 Social Emotional Support
IPW LJ to Civic District In-line Skating In school, we organise programmes to meet the various needs of our P4 Marsilians. For instances, at the same time with the aim of building their psychomotor skills through the Inline skating, citizenry and social awareness about Singapore’s Past and Present in line with SG50 celebration. They went through 3 days of leadership training beginning of this term to build their self leadership skills. They learnt how to serve tea during Some of our P4s selected for the WWF (World Wide Fund) Trip to KL STAR Toilet Project (with RAS) Leadership Training

13 Important Dates P4 SA2 (Main Papers)
Tue 6 Oct - EL Paper 1 Wed 7 Oct – MT Paper 1 Tue 13 Oct – MT Oral Wed 14 Oct – EL Oral Thu 15 Oct – EL and MT LC Wed 28 Oct – EL Paper 2 Thu 29 Oct – Mathematics Fri 30 Oct – Science Mon 2 Nov – MT Paper 2 Release of SBB Option Forms and Report Books Mon 16 Nov am – 1.30pm Submission of Option Forms to Form Teachers Mon 16 Nov & Tue 17 Nov Meeting with Year Head Tue 17 Nov (if requesting for change of option)

14 THANK YOU! See You Again on Mon 16 Nov 2015 for P4 Parent Teacher Conference (SBB Option Day) Thank you for your attention parents. Now it’s time for a short Q and A. If there are no questions, then we shall proceed with the Conferences with Teachers session. FTs pls come forward to your seats. May I now invite parents, for those who have indicated to see the teachers, to take turns to see the teachers please. The MT teachers will be at the back. The HODs for EL Mr Chan, Maths Mdm Ng and Science Ms Natasha are also here today to answer your queries. Parents, before you leave, pls help us to complete s short survey and the pre-option form and return both forms to the prefects standing behind. Once again, thank you for your time today. And let’s look forward to see more growth and successes in our children’s holistic development as they work hard for their final exams. Thank you and See You on 16 Nov! Q & A

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