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The Mother Tongue Indo-European Languages.

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2 The Mother Tongue Indo-European Languages





7 Cultural Fusion of the Early Middle Ages 5th-11th centuries  Fall of Rome  Celtic Influences  Norse-Germanic Influences  Spread of Christianity throughout Europe  Islamic Influences  Feudalism  Empires and Kingdoms

8 Celtic Migrations Hallstatt

9 Celtic Influences  Decorative  Animal motifs  Arabesques  Religious  Scholarship  Monasticism  Literary  Epics and folklore  Sovranty: Love-Political Triangle  King-Queen-Suitor/Challenger  Arthur-Guinevere-Lancelot

10 The Book of Kells

11 Roman Britain 1st-5th c.

12 Fall of Rome  330: Constantine moved the capitol of the Roman Empire to Constantinople  402: Honorius moved capitol of the Western Empire from Rome to Ravenna  410: Visigoths sacked Rome  455: Vandals sacked Rome and took control of N. Africa and Spain  5th c.: Waves of Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded Britain and Burgundians controlled much of France  476: Goths seized Rome: Odoacer became Emperor

13 Völkerwanderrung Germanic Migrations

14 Germanic Comitatus or Kinship Groups  König, eorlas und thanes: kings, nobles and warrior  Mutual loyalty -- warriors fight for king, king is generous to warriors  Originally a socially egalitarian setup, during the third and fourth centuries CE, it became socially stratified  Basis for feudal loyalty  Ideal and philosophy expressed in oral epics like Beowulf and The Song of Roland

15 The Lindisfarne Gospels

16 Viking Conquests

17 I've been with sword and,spear slippery with bright blood where kites wheeled. And how well we violent Vikings clashed! Redflames ate up men's roofs, raging we killed and killed; and skewered bodies sprawled sleepy in town gateways.

18 Viking Runes

19 The Normans  Vikings, or Norsemen, who settled in northern France (or the Frankish kingdom), together with their descendants  A Viking named Rollo emerged as the leader among the new settlers.  The Normans founded the duchy of Normandy and sent out expeditions of conquest and colonization to southern Italy and Sicily and to England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.

20 Norman Conquest  1066: Contest for the English crown:  Harold, Earl of Wessex: Anglo-Saxon claimant  Harald Hardrada of Norway  William Duke of Normandy  Battle of Stamford Bridge: Harold defeated Hardrada's army which invaded using over 300 ships; so many were killed that only 25 ships were needed to transport the survivors home.  Battle of Hastings: William led Norman forces against the English. Harold killed in battle; William seized the throne  William the Conqueror

21 BAYEUX TAPESTRY English axman in combat with Norman cavalry during the Battle of Hastings

22 Norman Castles Tower of London Motte and Bailey Castle


24 Evolution of English Language  650 bce- 500 ce: Celtic domination of British Isles: Gaelic: Irish, Welsh, Scots, Breton  2 nd C. ce: Roman conquest: Latin  5 th C. ce: Germanic invasions by Angles, Saxons and Jutes: Anglo-Saxon/Old English  8 th - 10 th C: Viking invasions: Old Norse  1066: Norman conquest: Norman French → Anglo-Norman  1200-1500: Middle English: literary fusion  1500: Great Vowel Shift: Early Modern English  1700: Modern English


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