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WHY IS ENGLISH SO POPULAR? Gutnikova I.F.. In Egypt people learned Greek 2,5 thousand years ago. In the 16 th century Europe began to study German. In.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY IS ENGLISH SO POPULAR? Gutnikova I.F.. In Egypt people learned Greek 2,5 thousand years ago. In the 16 th century Europe began to study German. In."— Presentation transcript:


2 In Egypt people learned Greek 2,5 thousand years ago. In the 16 th century Europe began to study German. In the 19 th century French Language was the most popular in the world. Nowadays English is the most wide spread in the world.

3 COMPARISON ENGLISH WITH RUSSIAN Plurals are easier. Compare: Tables, books, trees. Genders are simpler. In English: In Russian: Woman (she) tree (it) Father (he) table (he) Tree (it) book (she) Book (it) room (she) Room (it)

4 Continue the comparison English words don’t change so much. I read this book. читаю We read this book. читаем You read this book. читаешь They read this book. читают He (she) reads this book. читает You read this book. читаете

5 WHICH LANGUAGES CONTRIBUTED TO ENGLISH? A lot of English words are like German. The grammar is also similar. Compare: Meine Freundin ist neun Jahre alt. (German) – My friend is nine years old. (English) Wir gehen in die Schule. (German) – We go to school. (English) Sie ist interessant. (German) – She is interesting. (English) French words in English: Country, court, crime, prison, prince, princess, royal, female, special, fruit… Latin words in English: Street, kitchen, cheese, angel, wall, paper… Scandinavian words: Cake, egg, skin, skirt, ugly, window, husband…

6 Russian words in English Matryoshka Samovar Sputnik Subbotnik Dacha Perestroika pelmeny

7 The USA 1) 6 out of 10 richest people in the world are Americans 2) McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut 3) jeans Levis 4) Hollywood films 5) the dollar is the most currency in the world 6) the USA is the world leader in science and technology ( the Nobel Price was given to 304 Americans)

8 The British Empire 400-500 mln. people – 25% of all population

9 Nowadays 400 mln. People speak English as a mother tongue. Native language of 12 nations. Official language of 33 nations. It’s 20 % of the world population.

10 Standard language of UNO Green Peace UNESCO International Olympic Commity

11 The language of Great literature Shakespeare Byron Conan Doyle

12 The language of popular music Madonna Elton John Paul McCartney Britney Spears

13  80% of all information in the world‘s computers is in English.  75% of the world‘s letters and faxes are in English.  60% of all international telephone calls are made in English.  More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.

14 The most famous TV networks American CNN and British BBC broadcast news to more than 210 countries

15 find a job abroad go on holiday abroad earn a lot of money travel everywhere in the world watch films in the original language go abroad on an exchange program get access to the Internet communicate with people from other countries

16 The ten languages that have the most speakers. 4. Hindi (200 million) 5. Arabic (150 million) 6. Bengali (150 million) 7. Russian (150 million) 8. Portuguese (135 million) 9. Japanese (120 million) 10. German (100 million) Earth's population — 4 billion 1. Chinese (1,000 million) 2. English (350 million) 3. Spanish (250 million) million people 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

17 10 rare languages in the world 10 тайский 9 марати, орийа,телугу.тамильский ( Индия) 8 алфендио 633 человека 7 кандас 480 человек 6 лилау( сеймат) 450 человек 5оун 384 человека 4 эстонский 3ливонский 200 человек 2 сусуами 2 семьи 1 бикья ( Камерун-Нигерия) 1 женщина 87 лет

18 «Language is the dress of thought » Johnson Samuel « The more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being» English is the Latin of the 21 st century. Of course, you may learn German, Spanish, French, Chinese, but you must know English!

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