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Because... Provides: English writing models. Vocabulary Grammar Punctuation Construct sentences Paragraphs Texts Real + Interest = Balance text SKIM SCAN.

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2 Because... Provides: English writing models. Vocabulary Grammar Punctuation Construct sentences Paragraphs Texts Real + Interest = Balance text SKIM SCAN

3 Principles: 1.- Reading is not a passive skill. 2.- Engage students with the text. 3.- Understand the message. 4.- Prediction. 5.- Match the task to the topic. 6.- Exploit texts.

4 How do we read?

5 We don’t need to PERCEIVE and DECODE letters in order to read words. We don’t need to understand ALL THE WORDS in order to understand the meaning of text.


7 Beginning READING

8 TYPES OF READING ACTIVITIES Interpretative questions. Motivating activities before reading: guess the topic. A task is useful because it may provide the learners with a purpose in reading, and because we need to know how well our learners are reading.

9 Ideas for reading activities Pre-questions Do-it-yourself questions. Provide a title. Summarize. Continue. Preface. Grapped text. Mistakes in the text. Comparison. Responding. Re-presentation of context

10 Improving reading skills Language. Content. Speed. Attention. Incomprehensible vocabulary. Prediction. Background information. Motivation. Purpose. Strategies.

11 Advanced reading Text Closely to a mother-tongue reading Example: Poem Letter Example: Discussing the interpretation of the poem Write an answer to the letter Tasks Longer and multi-stage activities

12 Extensive reading Develop word’s recognition Read material easy to understand Built up a library of suitable books We need to promote reading We should encourage them to report back on their reading Intensive reading Reading purpose Give the space to read Feedback Work with dictionary

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