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AP English 11 Monday, March 31 st. Due Today:  Rhetorical Analysis TW Re-Write  Top: Typed final draft  Middle: Revision T-Chart  Bottom: Original.

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1 AP English 11 Monday, March 31 st

2 Due Today:  Rhetorical Analysis TW Re-Write  Top: Typed final draft  Middle: Revision T-Chart  Bottom: Original TW  4 annotations (all from LC)  Tan – “Mother Tongue”  Thiong’o – From Decolonising the Mind  Agosin – “Always Living in Spanish”  Berkowitz and McFaul – “Studying Islam, Strengthening the Nation”

3 In Class:  Small group discussions: use your annotations as a platform to discuss the similarities and differences presented in the text.  Possible discussion stems:  What is the thesis presented in each text?  Why does each author write? What is each author’s purpose? What does the author want people (his/her audience) to think or to do as a result of reading?  Which rhetorical device is the most essential in each essay?  Who is the intended audience of each essay? How can you tell?  Which essay did you personally identify with the most? Why?

4 Homework:  Assigned: Mon. 3/31  Due: 2 nd period – Weds. April 2 nd / 5 th period – Thurs. April 3 rd  Read and annotate Hayakawa: “Bilingualism in America” (LC 562-567)  Write a précis

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