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Designing Outcomes- based Assessment for the K-12 Curriculum Marie Therese A.P. Bustos University of the Philippines.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Outcomes- based Assessment for the K-12 Curriculum Marie Therese A.P. Bustos University of the Philippines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Outcomes- based Assessment for the K-12 Curriculum Marie Therese A.P. Bustos University of the Philippines

2 Spady’s Four Core Principles of Outcomes-based Education Clarity of focus Clarity of focus The REAL end The REAL end

3 High expectations High expectations All learners doing significant things at the END All learners doing significant things at the END

4 Expanded opportunities Expanded opportunities to learn and demonstrate learning

5 Design down or backward design Design down or backward design


7 Spady’s Demonstration Mountain of Performance

8 From the mouth of Spady: “Outcomes are high-quality, culminating demonstrations of significant learning in context. Demonstration is the key word; an outcome is not a score or a grade, but the end product of a clearly defined process that students carry out.”

9 How about content? “…demonstration must show significant learning; significant content is essential. Content alone, however, cannot be an outcome because it is inherently inert. Much like potential energy, it must be manifested through a demonstration process.”

10 Implications on assessment Assess with the long- term significant outcomes of the program in mind, not just subject-specific outcomes Assess with the long- term significant outcomes of the program in mind, not just subject-specific outcomes.

11 Know the range of levels of understanding of targeted concepts & range of development within the targeted skills. Know the range of levels of understanding of targeted concepts & range of development within the targeted skills.


13 Think photo albums instead of snapshots. Think photo albums instead of snapshots.

14 Real – world challenge Inauthentic contexts Compute the area of the yard List food groups Authentic contexts Create the budget list for materials needed to build a fence around our school vegetable garden Produce a nutrition information brochure for distribution at the barangay health center.

15 Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria Assessment Method

16 Assessment Criteria “a statement that prescribes with greater precision than a learning outcome, the quality of performance that will show the student has reached a particular standard” (Moon, 2002) “a statement that prescribes with greater precision than a learning outcome, the quality of performance that will show the student has reached a particular standard” (Moon, 2002) Note: simpler than outcome but more specific Note: simpler than outcome but more specific Think evidences and performance tasks Think evidences and performance tasks

17 Assessment Methods Choose authentic real-world measures (or at least simulations of real world scenarios) Choose authentic real-world measures (or at least simulations of real world scenarios)

18 Pre-service Teachers and the K-12 Law Teachers should meet the content and performance standards of the K-12 curriculum (RA 10533 Section 7). Teachers should meet the content and performance standards of the K-12 curriculum (RA 10533 Section 7).





23 MT Core Learning Area Standard Use Mother Tongue appropriately and effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes including learning of other content subjects and languages, demonstrate appreciation of various forms of literacy genres and take pride in one’s cultural heritage Use Mother Tongue appropriately and effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes including learning of other content subjects and languages, demonstrate appreciation of various forms of literacy genres and take pride in one’s cultural heritage

24 MT Core Learning Area Standard Use Mother Tongue appropriately and effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes including learning of other content subjects and languages, demonstrate appreciation of various forms of literacy genres and take pride in one’s cultural heritage Use Mother Tongue appropriately and effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes including learning of other content subjects and languages, demonstrate appreciation of various forms of literacy genres and take pride in one’s cultural heritage

25 Learning Outcome Behavior (observable) Behavior (observable) Content Content Context/Condition Context/Condition Concise Concise

26 Learning Outcome: Concise enough? Use Mother Tongue effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes. Use Mother Tongue effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes.

27 Evidence: Performance Indicators and Rubrics The learner composes a well-written invitation for barangay officials, to the university’s graduation ceremonies in the Mother Tongue. The learner composes a well-written invitation for barangay officials, to the university’s graduation ceremonies in the Mother Tongue. The learner narrates a story in the Mother Tongue to children enrolled in the daycare center. The learner narrates a story in the Mother Tongue to children enrolled in the daycare center.

28 BeginnerDevelopingProficient Use of the Mother Tongue Relays the story mainly in English or Filipino and uses mother tongue vocabulary once in a while Relays the story in the mother tongue but code-switches from time to time Able to relay the story in the mother tongue Knowledge of the story Does not know story; reads from notes and appears uncomfortable Knows the story pretty well; may refer to notes from time to time; fairly confident Knows the story well; uses no notes; speaks with confidence Appropriate- ness to the audience Story is developmentally inappropriate for audience Some of the story is developmentally appropriate for audience Story is developmentally appropriate for audience And so on

29 Pre-service Teachers and CMO 30, 2004


31 Task Think of a specific subject offering that addresses program outcome #2. Think of a specific subject offering that addresses program outcome #2. List authentic evidence of having attained the outcome through that particular course. Set the assessment criteria. List authentic evidence of having attained the outcome through that particular course. Set the assessment criteria. Design the assessment prompt/s and rubrics that would gauge the learners’ achievement of that outcome. Design the assessment prompt/s and rubrics that would gauge the learners’ achievement of that outcome. Present to the group. Present to the group.

32 Spady’s Demonstration Mountain of Performance

33 Thank you. mpbustos@

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