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Critical Thinking Character Traits

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1 Critical Thinking Character Traits

2 Nosich Chapter 1 Intellectual Courage: realizing that you may not already know the right/best answer but challenging accepted beliefs—dealing with your FBIs Commitment to using your best thinking to address questions rather than letting other forces do your thinking for you—dealing with previous commitments & developmental thinking

3 Nosich Chapter 2 Intellectual Perseverance: the willingness to keep pushing, to not give up with the first, easiest, or most comfortable answer—fighting the autopilot Fair-mindedness: the willingness to consider other ways of seeing an issue, even when they differ greatly from or challenge your own way of seeing it—demanding of yourself what you expect of others

4 Nosich Chapter 3 Intellectual Empathy: the willingness to learn HOW a discipline thinks and to choose to view the world from that point of view—be it as an educator, an artist, a business person, or whomever—stepping into character Intellectual Humility: the willingness to admit how much more there is to learn, in your own discipline and in others—fighting egocentrism

5 Nosich Chapter 4 Intellectual Integrity: willingness to hold yourself to the same high standards you hold others to. Pursuit of truth: willingness to change your mind, even if it’s painful or leads you to an uncomfortable place.

6 Nosich Chapter 5 Intellectual autonomy: The maturity and willingness to think for yourself, to step beyond autopilot thinking and choosing to think mindfully, to stop and say “This is water.”

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