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Welcome to Jeopardy!!! Get your neurons firing! Today’s Topic: Photorespiration Let’s Begin! With your FAVORITE Host…. Ms. B!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy!!! Get your neurons firing! Today’s Topic: Photorespiration Let’s Begin! With your FAVORITE Host…. Ms. B!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Jeopardy!!! Get your neurons firing! Today’s Topic: Photorespiration Let’s Begin! With your FAVORITE Host…. Ms. B!

2 Most organisms use an energy storage molecule called… A)Adenosine tri phosphateAdenosine tri phosphate B)VacuoleVacuole C)PigmentPigment D)ChlorophyllChlorophyll

3 Where does the carbon come from in the carbon dioxide released in the Kreb’s cycle? A)Oxygen we breathe B)Glucose C)Water D)ATP

4 What makes the water in the ETC?

5 If 23 NADH enter the ETC, how many ATP will be made from them?

6 A)NADH, FADH 2NADH, FADH 2 B)ATP, NADHATP, NADH C)Fats, NADHFats, NADH D)NADH, GlucoseNADH, Glucose Electrons are carried and delivered to the Electron Transport Chain VIA…

7 Which type of Vitamins are riboflavin and niacin (NADH and FADH2) a)A b)B c)C d)D

8 The greatest amount of Carbon dioxide produced from cellular respiration occurs in _________. A) ETCETC B) GlycolysisGlycolysis C) Kreb’s CycleKreb’s Cycle D) Anaerobic RespirationAnaerobic Respiration

9 Where does the ETC take place? A)In the cytosolIn the cytosol B)Inner mitochondria membraneInner mitochondria membrane C)Outer mitochondria membraneOuter mitochondria membrane D)Cell membraneCell membrane

10 Which of the following is not part of the cellular respiration? A)Electron Transport ChainElectron Transport Chain B)GlycolysisGlycolysis C)Kreb’s CycleKreb’s Cycle D)Calvin CycleCalvin Cycle

11 When sprinting across the field, _______ __________ is produced by your muscle cells **Fill in the Blanks**

12 A) Fermentation of sugars to produce methaneFermentation of sugars to produce methane B)Aerobic respiration of ethanol to produce sugarAerobic respiration of ethanol to produce sugar C)Aerobic respiration of sugar to produce methaneAerobic respiration of sugar to produce methane D)Fermentation of sugarsFermentation of sugars to produce ethanol To create this product, this must happen.

13 How many ATP are made from 4 glucose molecules in both glycolysis and Krebs cycle?

14 How many CO 2 are produced from 4 pyruvates?

15 Aerobic respiration begins in the ______ and ends in the ______. A)Mitochondria, cytoplasmMitochondria, cytoplasm B)Cytoplasm, mitochondriaCytoplasm, mitochondria C)Nucleus, mitochondriaNucleus, mitochondria D)Mitochondria, nucleusMitochondria, nucleus

16 Through the process of aerobic respiration, glucose is a form of ________ energy that gets converted into ________ energy. A)Chemical, KineticChemical, Kinetic B)Kinetic, ChemicalKinetic, Chemical C)Potential, KineticPotential, Kinetic D)Chemical, ChemicalChemical, Chemical

17 Humans (You and Me) breathe oxygen specifically because…. A)Anaerobic fermentation requires oxygen as a final acceptor of electrons from NADHAnaerobic fermentation requires oxygen as a final acceptor of electrons from NADH B)Glycolysis produces electrons for NADHGlycolysis produces electrons for NADH C)ETC requires oxygen as a final electron acceptorETC requires oxygen as a final electron acceptor D)To produce water in the ETCTo produce water in the ETC

18 Which muscle can never undergo anaerobic respiration? A)StomachStomach B)BrainBrain C)HeartHeart D)TongueTongue

19 Anaerobic respiration produces ____ ATP from 5 glucose molecules A)55 B)1010 C)2020 D)4040

20 Wine is made by _________ of yeasts to produce __________. A)Fermentation, SugarFermentation, Sugar B)Aerobic Respiration, WaterAerobic Respiration, Water C)Fermentation, EthanolFermentation, Ethanol D)Aerobic Respiration, SugarAerobic Respiration, Sugar

21 Which step of cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm? A)GlycolysisGlycolysis B)Calvin CycleCalvin Cycle C)Kreb’s cycleKreb’s cycle D)Electron Transport ChainElectron Transport Chain

22 How many NAD+ are required to produce 16 pyruvates in glycolysis?

23 Aerobic respiration of 3 glucose molecules produces ______ ATP. A)1010 B)3636 C)7474 D)108108

24 NADH donates ___ electrons to the ETC. A. 11 B. 22 C. 44 D. 66

25 The ETC makes ___ ATP and cellular respiration makes ___ ATP. A. 36/ 3236/ 32 B. 38 / 3638 / 36 C. 36 / 3836 / 38 D. 34 / 38

26 What is the equation for cellular respiration?

27 How many net ATP are made from 1 glucose molecule in glycolysis? A. 22 B. 44 C. 66 D. 3232

28 If 2 glucose enter glycolysis, how many pyruvates are made? A. 22 B. 44 C. 88 D. 1212

29 Which of the following organisms do NOT do anaerobic respiration? A. BacteriaBacteria B. YeastYeast C. HumansHumans D. All do anaerobic respirationAll do anaerobic respiration

30 The following reaction is a …. A. Catabolic ReactionCatabolic Reaction B. Anabolic ReactionAnabolic Reaction C. Both Catabolic and Anabolic ReactionsBoth Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions D. Neither Catabolic and Anabolic ReactionsNeither Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions

31 An organism that uses hydrogen sulfide as a source of energy is categorized as which of the following? A. photoautotrophphotoautotroph B. heteroautotrophheteroautotroph C.chemoautotrophchemoautotroph D.thermoautotrophthermoautotroph

32 What results from the removal of a phosphate group from ATP? a.the production of mechanical energythe production of mechanical energy b.the release of energythe release of energy c.the creation of energythe creation of energy d.the absorption of energy by chlorophyllthe absorption of energy by chlorophyll

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