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LHS.  Chemical substances in food that helps maintain the body  Some supply energy while others repair and build tissue  You need over 50 for good.

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2  Chemical substances in food that helps maintain the body  Some supply energy while others repair and build tissue  You need over 50 for good health  No food provides all the nutrients needed for the body

3  Protein  Carbohydrates  Vitamins  Minerals  Fats  Water

4  Comes from: ◦ Sugars-simple ◦ Starches-complex ◦ fiber  Sources ◦ Vegetables ◦ legumes (peas, beans) ◦ Pasta ◦ Seeds ◦ Nuts ◦ fruit

5  Primary source for the body’s energy  Helps digest fat  Used for growth and maintenance  Rich in fiber help prevent cancer and intestinal problems

6  55-65% of your calories should come from carbohydrates (mainly complex)  Too many carbs makes one fat

7  Animal (complete protein)=meat, fish, poultry, milk and milk products, eggs  Plant (incomplete protein)=dried beans, peas, legumes (nuts): incomplete protein need to be combined to make a complete protein (beans and rice) (peanuts and bread)  Proteins are made from amino acids which are found completely in animal sources or in combination with incomplete sources

8  Protein is found in EVERY cell  Provides amino acids which are essential for growth, maintenance and repair of tissue  Regulates body processes (fluid balance)  Can be used for energy if carbohydrates and fat are not available

9  10-15% of caloric intake per day  Not enough Protein = Kwashiorkor

10  Visible sources (40%) ◦ Butter/margarine ◦ Salad dressings ◦ Oils and shortening  Invisible sources ◦ Eggs, cream baked products, avocados

11  Provide energy  Carry fat soluble vitamins  Needed for healthy skin  Provide protection to organs  Help regulate body temperature

12  No more than 30% of daily calories

13  Fat soluble sources ◦ Liver, egg, dark green leafy and bright veg., squash, cantaloupe, sun, milk  Water soluble sources ◦ Fruits, breads, meat,

14  ADEK stored in fat in the body  A for vision  D comes from sun needed for bones  E found in fatty food is an antioxidant  K needed for clotting blood

15  B found in bread and pasta vegetables  Lots of B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, B 6, B 12 ) needed for digestion and absorption of all nutrients  C found in citrus foods helps clot blood, antioxidant  Excess is carried out of the body

16  Too little looks like this Beriberi lack of vitamin B Pellagra lack of B Rickets lack of D

17 Scurvy lack of vitamin C Night blindness lack of vitamin A

18  Calcium  Iodine  Sodium  Chlorine  potassium

19  Needed for bones and teeth  Clots blood  Too little calcium: Normal bone-------osteoporosis

20  Needed for thyroid regulation and of electrolytes  Too little iodine or too much causes goiter

21  Must have water to function  Most essential nutrient  75% body weight is water  We can live 1 month without food  We can only live a few days without water

22  Sources= all the food groups ◦ Fruit, vegetables, milk = 75% ◦ Meat and poultry = 50% ◦ Grains 5-35% ◦ Water = 100%

23  Aids in digestion  Chemical reactions within our body rely on water  Lubricates joints and cells  Regulates body temperature

24  Use about 10 cups of water a day  Require 8 glasses of fluid per day to supply enough for most people. Some need more

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