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Whatchyou talkin’ ‘bout, Siggy?!? An Age of Modernity, Anxiety, and Imperialism, 1894-1914.

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Presentation on theme: "Whatchyou talkin’ ‘bout, Siggy?!? An Age of Modernity, Anxiety, and Imperialism, 1894-1914."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whatchyou talkin’ ‘bout, Siggy?!? An Age of Modernity, Anxiety, and Imperialism, 1894-1914

2 What the heck is going on?!? Challenges to Reason/Certainty New Physics New Philosophy New Psychology Attacks on Religion Civil Rights Imperialism Bismarckian Alliances Problems in the Balkans

3 Scientific Developments New Physics undermines Newtonian universe Atom no longer seen as static building block Marie & Pierre Curie Max Planck Albert Einstein Marie Curie

4 Uncertainty in Philosophy Friedrich Nietzsche Western society weakened by reason Christianity = slave morality Calls for rise of Ubermensch (“Supermen”) Henri Bergson Limits on reason Georges Sorel Socialism: need violence, small elite General strike = key tool “God is dead”

5 Psychology: Sigmund Freud Theories question rational nature of the human mind The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) Dreams represent unconscious sexual energy “Repression” Unsettling experiences blotted out But continue to influence behavior unconsciously Mind = battleground of 3 forces Id - lust/pleasure Ego - reason Superego - morality Psychoanalysis - resolves inner conflict

6 Misuses of Darwinism Social Darwinism Survival of the Fittest Herbert Spencer Nationalism Racism Volk Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903

7 Religion Challenges Urbanization Liberal anticlericism Scientific Theories “The Historical Jesus” Response Rejection of Modernity (Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors, 1864) Acceptance of Modernity Compromise Catholic social action (Leo XIII) Urban charity (Salvation Army) Pope Pius IX, 1846-78

8 Modernism in the Arts Impressionism (c. 1870s)

9 Modernism in the Arts Post-Impressionism (c. 1880-1900) Paul Cezanne Van Gogh

10 Modernism in the Arts Cubism/Abstract Art (post-1900) Pablo Picasso Kandinsky

11 Modernism in the Arts Music Folk Music/National Identity Literature Naturalism--Realism but with pessimistic view of human nature Emile Zola, Fyodor Dostoevsky Symbolists Objective knowledge of the world is impossible Only the artist can truly understand his meaning Art for art’s sake

12 Women’s Rights Custody & Property Rights Suffrage Millicent Fawcett--moderate The Pankhursts (WPSU) Mostly middle/upper class Destroyed property Hunger strikes Suffrage granted after WWI “The New Woman” Renounced traditional roles

13 Jews in Europe New Opportunities in 19th Century Enlightenment &French Revolution Legal equality in Western/Central Europe Assimilation into business, politics, universities But Problems Remain Dreyfus Affair (1895-1899) German/Austrian Nationalist Groups Pogroms in Russia & E.Europe Zionism Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State, 1896 Balfour Declaration (1917)

14 Transformation of Liberalism Must Deal with Problems of “Mass Society” Pressure from Trade Unions, Fabian Socialists Groups coalesced into Labour Party Liberals feel need to appeal to workers National Insurance Act of 1911 Pensions for retirees Raises taxes on wealthy David Lloyd George

15 Bismarckian Alliance System Triple Alliance (1882) Germany, Austria, Italy Triple Entente (1907) France, Britain, Russia

16 Crisis in the Balkans Problems: Ottomans = sick man of Europe Russia/Austria both wanted Balkans Treaty of San Stefano (1878) Congress of Berlin (1878) Independence of Serbia, Montenegro, Romania New Bulgarian state reduced Major Crises (1909-13) Austria thwarted Serbian plans for Pan-Slavic kingdom Serbians viewed Austrians as evil oppressors

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