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Company Profile & Short story about 15 milllion domains Author: Jörg Schweiger Location/Date: APTLD meeting, Moscow, June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Profile & Short story about 15 milllion domains Author: Jörg Schweiger Location/Date: APTLD meeting, Moscow, June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Profile & Short story about 15 milllion domains Author: Jörg Schweiger Location/Date: APTLD meeting, Moscow, June 2012

2 Overview  DENIC Portrait - Mission / Organisation - Numbers / Statistics - Services - Policies & Cooperations

3 DENIC – Mission Act as a neutral, non-discriminating and independent registry service provider for the German Internet community Operate as an independent not-for-profit service provider Guarantee the highest possible level of both quality and technical stability and security 3 © DENIC eG

4 DENIC – Organisation Founded in 1996 as a cooperative Members are companies for their customers, e.g. registrars, ISPs Terms and conditions allow fast and easy admission of new members Members are treated equally Government-independent, not regulated, private not-for-profit 4 © DENIC eG

5 DENIC - History Nov 1986Registration in the IANA database Dec 1996Founding of DENIC Sep 2002Start of ENUM-Trial Mar 2004Start of IDN registration Dec 2008Geographically remote mirror data center 2010First DENIC DNS anycast name service customers May 2011DNSSEC Implementation

6 Domains> 15,000,000 (incl. 600,000 IDNs) Average new domains per day3000 Average changes to the registration database per day 3500 Average DNS Queries per day ~ 8 Billion Average Whois Queries per day: ~ 40 Million Numbers/Statistics (2012)

7 Success Factors  Attractive retail prices, often in combination with service bundles offered by providers  Diversity of offers from the registrars and service provider satisfying the diverse needs of all customer groups  Providers selling/claiming a domain to be one’s personal identity/representation in the Internet as the „natural“ TLD for Germans Number Domains as of 31 May 2012

8 DENIC – Facts & Figures 8 © DENIC eG Turnover in K€ Workforce as of 31. December 2011 Membership as of 31. Dec. 2011 (excl. statutory body members) (109 FTEs)

9 DENIC – Major Services 9 © DENIC eG  Operation of name service and  Operation of automatic registration interface and domain database  Information services for members, domain holders and internet users, i.e. whois, hotline  Anycast Name Service for TLD customers  … all according to Service Level Standards

10 Name Service – & for you? 10 © DENIC eG  > 40,000 queries per second  17 name server locations worldwide Leverage the performance and quality according to your needs !

11  Everybody (organisations, companies, private persons even from foreign countries) may register any number domains (at least the admin-c must have a postal address in Germany)  Registration is „First Come – First Served“  No renewal but indefinite right of usage  Domains are not directly registered with DENIC, but via „registrars“, e.g. DENIC Members DENIC – Major Policies

12  Active involvement in international bodies to shape the further development of the Internet  Further development of Internet standards  Support of the collaboration between the ccTLDs More than Operation … International Cooperation 12 © DENIC eG …

13 Joerg Schweiger DENIC eG Kaiserstraße 75-77 60329 Frankfurt Tel. 069-27235-0 E-Mail: Thank you very much for your attention !

14 Backup


16 DENIC as a registered Cooperative appoints & oversees 2 accountable directors General Assembly ( ~ 280 members ) Supervisory Board ( 5 members ) DENIC Executive Board ( 2 + 2 ) elects elects 2 honorary members advises Legal Advisory Council advises DENIC ( 100 + FTE ) Technical Advisory Council

17 Policies (2) Some major policies – rights  The registrar is responsible for the domain holder to provide accurate data.  The domain holder is responsible that his domain doesn‘t infringe on anybody else‘s rights nor is breaking the law  DENIC, except for obvious gross infringements, isn‘t responsible to check rights nor it is responsible for content  DISPUTE entry on a domain  if a third party shows in a credible manner that it possibly have a right on the domain, the domain is set into status „DISPUTE“. This implies that the domain can’t be transfered to a third party.

18 Policies (3) Some major policies – pricing  All DENIC members are treated the same. They pay the same price for the DENIC services, but are free to establish their prices for the market individually.  For a domain DENIC members pay an initial registration fee + monthly maintenance fee, all calculated with just cost-recovery in mind.  No renewal necessary. Once registered a domain exists until explicitly deleted.

19 How can this be even more interesting for you? DENIC has been operating its name server infrastructure for over a decade and has a proven excellent track record of availability and response time We are offering our name server infrastructure to community ccTLD‘s based on a cost sharing model  decrease expediture to serve the community with an independent neutral  (pre-)answer gouverment and/or not-for-profit DNS delivery stakeholder inquiries to increase „security“ employing high-performance redundant infrastructure  reliability guaranteed service levels, custom monitoring & quality assurance  defined high quality Let us setup a project to build a name service according to your needs like for example our customers at have done. Primary or Secondary DNS Service

20 DENIC – Security 20 © DENIC eG  (IT-) Infrastructure Security  Anycasted Name Service, 2 geographically remote identical data centers  Emergency procedures, staff, tests  National cooperation (CERT-Verbund)  Information Security  IS Officer  ISMS ISO 27001

21 DENIC – ISMS 21 © DENIC eG Level of implementation of all normative areas 12/ 2011  12/2012

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