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 Capital: Montgomery  MOTTO:Audemus jura nostra defendere  FLOWER:Camellia  TREE:Pinus palustris  Nicknames: Yellowhammer State, Cotton State, Heart.

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Presentation on theme: " Capital: Montgomery  MOTTO:Audemus jura nostra defendere  FLOWER:Camellia  TREE:Pinus palustris  Nicknames: Yellowhammer State, Cotton State, Heart."— Presentation transcript:


2  Capital: Montgomery  MOTTO:Audemus jura nostra defendere  FLOWER:Camellia  TREE:Pinus palustris  Nicknames: Yellowhammer State, Cotton State, Heart of Dixie  State bird: Yellowhammer, Wild turkey

3  MOTTO:Regnat populus  State bird: Northern mockingbird  State flower: Apple Blossom  State tree: Pinus taeda  NICKNAME:The Natural StateThe Land of Opportunity

4  Motto: In God we trust  Nickname: The Sunshine State  Flower: Orange blossom  Bird: Northern mockingbird  Tree: Cabbage Palmetto

5  MOTTO: Wisdom, Justice, Moderation  Nicknames: Empire State of the South, Peach State  State flower: Rosa laevigata  State tree: Quercus virginiana  State bird: Brown thrasher, Northern Bobwhite

6  Capital: Frankfort  MOTTO: United we stand, divided we fall  NICKNAME: Bluegrass State  FLOWER: Goldenrod  BIRD: Cardinal

7  Capital: Baton Rouge  Motto: Union, Justice and Confidence  Nicknames: Sportsman's Paradise, Child of the Mississippi, Sugar State, Pelican State, Creole State, Bayou State  State flower: Magnolia  State bird: Brown pelican  State tree: Taxodium distichum

8  Capital: Jackson  Motto: Seal of Mississippi  State flower: Magnolia  State tree: Magnolia  State bird: Northern mockingbird, Wood duck  Nicknames: The Magnolia State, The Hospitality State

9  Capital: Raleigh  Motto: Esse quam videri  State bird: Cardinal  State flower: Cornus florida  State tree: Pinus palustris  Nicknames: Tar Heel State, Old North State

10  Capital: Columbia  Nickname: The Palmetto State  Motto: Dum spiro spero  State flower: Gelsemium sempervirens  State tree: Cabbage Palmetto  State bird: Wild turkey, Carolina wren

11  Capital: Nashville  Motto: Agriculture and Commerce  State tree: Liriodendron tulipifera  State flower: Iris  State bird: Northern mockingbird, Northern Bobwhite, Mockingbird

12  Capital: Richmond  State flower: Cornus florida  State bird: Cardinal  State tree: Cornus florida  Nicknames: Old Dominion; Mother of Presidents, Mother of states

13  Capital: Charleston  Nickname: Mountain State  State flower: Rhododendron  Motto: Montani semper liberi  State bird: Northern cardinal

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