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Zaha Hadid.

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Presentation on theme: "Zaha Hadid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zaha Hadid

2 Pritzker Prize 2004 Seminal Works: Vitra Fire Station 1993
LFOne/ Landesgartenschau 1999 Bergisel Ski Jump 2002 Lois and Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art 2003 BMW Plant Central Building 2004 Hotel Puerta America [interior] 2005 Ordrupgaard Museum Extension 2005 Phaeno Science Center 2005

3 Process Grand Buildings, London, 1985 The World (89 Degrees), 1983
The Peak, Hong Kong, 1982–83

4 Sketches Temporary Guggenheim Museum
Conceptual Sketch by Zaha Hadid of New Contemporary Arts Center Architechtonic Investigation


6 The whole building is movement, frozen
The whole building is movement, frozen. It expresses the tension of being on the alert; and the potential to explode into action at any moment.



9 Current Projects Glasgow Museum of Transport,
Riverside Project, Scotland Current Projects Render for the Soho City Masterplan, Beijing 2003 Digital render for the Napoli Afragola high-speed train station, Naples Rendering of addition proposed for the Louvre in Paris

10 Olympic Aquatic Centre, London,
Fiera di Milano, digital rendering CMA CGM Head Office, France

11 New Eusko Tram Central Headquarters and Urban Planning, Durango, Spain
Rendering of proposed Guangzhou (China) Opera House

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