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Public Buildings Night April 10,2014. Summary Over $70 million of building projects 6 new buildings 7 renovations or additions.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Buildings Night April 10,2014. Summary Over $70 million of building projects 6 new buildings 7 renovations or additions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Buildings Night April 10,2014

2 Summary Over $70 million of building projects 6 new buildings 7 renovations or additions

3 Crawford Yard Renovation/Addition of yard at Crawford and Tecumseh Demolition of yard at Pillette and Adstoll $500,000

4 Various Renovations Willistead Manor Roofing Project – Donation received from the community of $54k Repairs to Coach House Copper eaves trough replacement

5 Various Renovations Willistead Manor Improved park accessibility Repair drainage around manor

6 Oakwood Community Centre Community centre owned by school board Must transition out Options: addition to South Windsor Arena or renovate another location $1.8 Million

7 Emergency Operations Centre Replace existing centre at Goyeau Fire station which is limited Need for backup power, better technology access Options: new build or renovation $1.5 Million

8 Art Gallery Renovation of first floor Art Gallery to house Museum and improve cultural hub Renovation of Baby House $3.402 Million

9 Libraries Addition to Optimist Community centre Renovation to Budimir Library $ 7.0 million

10 Libraries Complete renovation of Mill and Sandwich old fire station Move into Devonshire Mall location $ 7.0 million

11 2 Fire Halls Chandler and Milloy Daytona and Northwood $9.0 million

12 Fed Ex Project at Airport 3 new buildings totalling 72,000 sq. ft. $15.0 Million

13 New City Hall Constructed next to old City Hall $34.7 Million

14 New City Hall Rejected designs

15 Thank You

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