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Haley Tole, Tom Nagy, Jon Tosh. How it’s Used in the US  Package beverages  Car parts- radiator, bumpers, wheels  Building construction- roofing, siding.

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Presentation on theme: "Haley Tole, Tom Nagy, Jon Tosh. How it’s Used in the US  Package beverages  Car parts- radiator, bumpers, wheels  Building construction- roofing, siding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haley Tole, Tom Nagy, Jon Tosh

2 How it’s Used in the US  Package beverages  Car parts- radiator, bumpers, wheels  Building construction- roofing, siding  Gum wrappers  Aluminum foil  Electrical products  Household cooking products-pots & pans

3 Environmental Consequences  Green house gas emissions- result from electrical consumption of smelters (way aluminum is produced) & bi-products of processing.  Primary aluminum production is the leading source of per fluorocarbon emissions in the US.  Sulfur Dioxide is one of the primary precursors of acid rain.  Uses large amounts of electricity, water and resources to produce.

4 Cultural Consequences  Extremely costly  Air pollution levels are drastically raised  Effects the next generations lifestyle by having limitations to the cleanliness of the air.

5 Environmental Effects  Toxic agent to freshwater organisms  Acidic Precipitation= High concentrations of Aluminum in fresh water  Aluminum also can accumulate in plants

6 Ways to Prevent Aluminum Issues  Recycling- recycle aluminum cans so they get reused instead of throwing them out  Littering- leaving aluminum cans on the street is a direct cause of environmental issues

7 What Should Be Done?  Recycling Awareness  Littering Penalties  Community Service  More Recycling Cans especially at convenience stores and street corners

8 Works Cited  Gagnon, Steve. "The Element Aluminum[Click for Isotope Data]." It's Elemental. Steve Gagnon, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2012..  Curtis, Chris. "What Is Aluminum Used For? - Curiosity." Curiosity. Discovery Communications, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2012.. Callahan, R. "PRIMARY ALUMINUM PLANTS WORLDWIDE - 1998." USGS Minerals Information: Aluminum Plants Worldwide. USGS, 9 Sept. 2011. Web. 27 Sept. 2012..

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