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Sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD P&R) Designing for xAPI Slides by Jason Haag and Andy Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD P&R) Designing for xAPI Slides by Jason Haag and Andy Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD P&R) Designing for xAPI Slides by Jason Haag and Andy Johnson Contractor with Problem Solutions, LLC in support of the ADL Initiative I/ITSEC Plugfest 3 December 2014 Orlando, FL

2 Design Environment Design for Personalized and Brokered Content Multiple Device Support Aid: Intelligent Tutors Mentors and peers via social networks Self-Discovery Design Using: Simulations Games Virtual Worlds Intelligent content

3 Getting Started with xAPI Design (ISD) 1.Learn how to apply the xAPI 2.Work with tools that support the xAPI 3.Design outside-the-box solutions 4.Identify the learning experience information to collect 5.Use controlled vocabularies 6.Develop and test prototypes 7.Transform prototypes into products

4 5 Things A Developer Must Know 1.Technical knowledge and skills (APIs, JSON, REST) 2.Learn the terminology (statements, actor, verb, object, agents, IRIs, context properties, LRS) 3.Go granular 4.Establish standards for organizational adoption 5.Access to xAPI resources & community

5 xAPI Design Group (Cohorts) 1.xAPI-Design is a team-based, open, applied learning experience 2.Teams work together for 9-14 weeks, we have a weekly sharing/bragging session and discussion about xAPI topics 3.Projects vary greatly in scope and topic 4.Teams retain all IP rights, ADL would like to showcase as demos/proof-of-concepts

6 xAPI Design Community of Practice: 1.Facilitate the creation and sharing of xAPI work within various xAPI communities and interest groups 2.Provide guidelines and best practices for defining and developing controlled vocabularies 3.Standardize how xAPI statements are expressed for each type of design profile (e.g. videos using xAPI)

7 xAPI Resources & Adoption 7 ‣ xAPI Specification & Documentation ‣ ‣ xAPI JavaScript Wrapper ‣ ‣ Learning Record Store ‣ ‣ Adoption ‣ 9 LRS Solutions (open source & commercial) ‣ Integrated into eLearning authoring tools ‣ Over 200 active participants in Working Groups

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