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‘Casting – It’s Not Just For Fishermen Anymore! Eric M. Larson, GusDay 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Casting – It’s Not Just For Fishermen Anymore! Eric M. Larson, GusDay 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Casting – It’s Not Just For Fishermen Anymore! Eric M. Larson, GusDay 2006

2 Who is this guy? Eric M. Larson, University of St. Thomas –Instructional Process Analyst Host of The Ericast since March 2005 –( Presentation at:

3 Agenda Definitions Conceptual How-To Innovations Who’s ‘casting to whom? Collaboration More Innovations Q & A

4 Definitions Podcasting? Coursecasting? *casting?

5 What is “podcasting”? “Podcasting” is the act of producing a podcast –Listening to a podcast isn’t “podcasting” Remember, listening to a radio or television broadcast isn’t “broadcasting” “Podcasters” are those who make podcasts, not those who listen to podcasts

6 What is “a podcast”? “A podcast is a web feed of audio or video files placed on the Internet for anyone to subscribe to.” “The subscription feed of automatically delivered new content is what distinguishes a podcast from a simple download or real-time streaming.” (

7 What is “a podcast”? “Internet talk-radio” Regularly created –Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly MP3 + RSS 2.0 feed with enclosure tag –A link to an MP3 audio file that’s sitting on a web site is not a podcast –A RealPlayer audio file is not a podcast What’s an RSS feed? –RSS is an HTML-like format, for computers

8 What is “coursecasting”? “Putting audio of a lecture online” Might be done as a podcast, or maybe not. So, many professed “podcast” desires might be fulfilled with a simple audio file uploaded to a web server –Students could manually download and save MP3s onto a portable MP3 player

9 Podcasting and iTunes iTunes’ “podcast directory” is (just) one means of finding and receiving podcasts For a podcast to be there, it has to be a genuine podcast (RSS 2.0 + MP3) Remember, you’re then in Apple’s hands for trying to get things listed properly –(Though, if a student’s local workstation is configured accordingly, any MP3 file download will appear in iTunes)

10 Videocasting Videocasting? Vidcasting? Vodcasting? Video Podcasting? Video Blogging? –vlog?

11 What’s the iPod Video use? H.264 video: up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240, 30 frames per sec., Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3 with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in.m4v,.mp4 file formats MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x 480, 30 frames per sec., Simple Profile with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in.m4v,.mp4 file formats

12 Photocasting iLife/iPhoto Flikr

13 What’s the connection to Blogs? After all, that’s in the session title, right?

14 How do Blogs relate to all this? Blogs are a typical, common venue for regular commentary that’s provided to the planet through the web. Blogs are a typical, common “engine” for creating an RSS feed. So, you start with a “blog” and add things (audio, video, photos) to it.

15 How can I do this? Or, “Could my faculty already be doing this?”

16 How to get started podcasting Recording Adobe Audition (PC) GarageBand (Mac) Audacity (Mac/PC/Linux and free!) Quality Tips: –Compression –Normalization

17 Original Compressed Normalized

18 How to get started ‘Casting Publishing OurMedia + Blogger + FeedBurner –OurMedia: Host the Creative Commons MP3 –Blogger: Provide the (Atom) feed –FeedBurner: Clean up the RSS feed …and faculty might be doing this already!

19 Innovations Enhanced AAC (slideshow) Pairing MP3 with SMIL (Mac/PC only)

20 From one-way to two-way So far, we’ve been talking about faculty publishing their materials out to students Is there more? YES!

21 Audio Collaboration! Phone in to podcasts? –Like “community voicemail” but more convenient –An advantage to students who don’t want to raise their hands in class, but don’t feel confident expressing themselves in writing (e.g. in a discussion board) (AudioBlogger + Blogger + E-Mail)

22 Written Collaboration Discussion boards or e-mail DLs are an early version of this, of course Group blogs –UST Journalism class launching a community newspaper using MovableType blog server Wikis

23 Innovations Combining streaming video with a blog that advances at key points in a timeline (Microsoft Producer + hosting + Blogger)

24 Learn More! Start listening to… –IT Conversations Recordings of seminars (like this one, only better!) –Slashdot Review “Slashdot, read by a southern guy” –Connecting the Dots Podcast Interesting Minneapolis-based ~weekly thoughts –ChuckChat Technorama The prototypical “guy in a basement” podcast –The Ericast

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