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What not to say while attending an Interview…. Dear Friends.... Now a days leaving a job is common thing, employee needs Job satisfaction, Job security,

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Presentation on theme: "What not to say while attending an Interview…. Dear Friends.... Now a days leaving a job is common thing, employee needs Job satisfaction, Job security,"— Presentation transcript:

1 What not to say while attending an Interview…

2 Dear Friends.... Now a days leaving a job is common thing, employee needs Job satisfaction, Job security, Salary hikes and many more......reason can be anything to leave a job, but what to say what not to say while attending interview....Please go through below lines, may help you to understand, what should not be said, while attending an interview... The Wrong Reasons Basically, if the cause of your leaving a job is unreasonable, silly or ridiculous, then you should think twice before pulling the plug. But “silly” is subjective such that most people who have silly reasons to quit are difficult to convince otherwise and won’t know better anyway…at least, by my experience.

3 1. You haven’t gotten a raise in so many months. You’ll need to establish a track record at your position before you can start expecting rewards. Take into consideration the entire job market too, in order to determine if you’re in the same boat as everyone. 2. You’re not being assigned the tougher projects. Again, you’ll need to prove yourself first at many places before you’re given the challenging responsibilities. If you do a good job with the small stuff, then in time, you’ll be given the harder assignments. Of course, if you’ve waited a long time and you’re really not being put to good use, it may be time to bail out.

4 3. You think the job market is hot and so are you. I knew a highly paid director of software development who left his company in a huff, thinking he would be rehired promptly. Well, it turned out much harder than he thought. It took 9 long months, 10,000 out of his pocket to hire an executive placement agency that got him nowhere, desperate attempts at getting any sort of job including that of a shopping clerk at Best Buy (which didn’t pan out), and a close call with foreclosure before he eventually received an offer to become a traveling consultant for 70% of his previous pay. Moral: Don’t fall from the frying pan and into the fire. 4. You didn’t get that promotion after the big project you just did. Once more, you need to take everything into consideration before thinking of leaving. Many times, getting ahead in a company takes more than just one feather in your cap.

5 5. You discover you’re not getting an office. Need I say more? Everyone lives in a cubicle these days. 6. You think you won the lottery but really you didn’t. This actually happened to this man. Don’t leave your job until you’re sure you’ve really won.happened to this man. 7. Indian Idol is in town, you’re set to audition and you made it to the Bollywood round. So you think you have certain talents that deserve to be showcased on a different platform. An opportunity presents itself and you need to act fast. Before you quit your day job, assess your situation and look at your realistic chances at getting anywhere with this opportunity. Tread this path carefully.look at your realistic chancesTread this path carefully.

6 You’ve been in a job for only a week, you’re a frequent job hopper and you’re itching to leave again. Given your history, you may want to think twice before quitting. It may be the case that the problem no longer lies in the companies you work for, but rather in your tendency to move around. You’ll need to do some self- reflection on this one: are you even in the right career? Somebody dared you to. You know who you are.

7 Best of luck for a good job…Ciao.


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