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HABIT #3 “PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST” By: Brooke Meyer & Rachael KuekerBlock 4 Days 2 & 4.

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Presentation on theme: "HABIT #3 “PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST” By: Brooke Meyer & Rachael KuekerBlock 4 Days 2 & 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 HABIT #3 “PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST” By: Brooke Meyer & Rachael KuekerBlock 4 Days 2 & 4

2 The Time Quadrants The Time Quadrant is made up of 2 primary elements: Important - your most important things, your first things, activities that contribute to your mission and your goals Urgent - pressing things, in-your- face things, activities that demand immediate attention. You want to do your important things as soon as possible so they don’t become urgent

3 The Bad Quadrants Q1 “The Procrastinator”- You keep putting the important things off until they become urgent. The result of spending too much time on Q1 Stress and Anxiety Burnout Mediocre Performance Q3 “The Yes-Man”- You try to please everyone and trick yourself into thinking urgent things are important even though they aren’t. The result of spending too much time in Q3 Reputation of being a “pleaser” Lack of discipline Feeling like a doormat for others to wipe their feet Q4 “The Slacker”- You don’t do anything that is important or urgent The result of spending too much time in Q4 Lack of responsibility Guilt Flakiness

4 The Good Quadrant Q2 “The Prioritizer” They take care of important things before they become urgent. They plan ahead They have more time for relaxation Result of living in Q2: Control of your life Balance High performance Shrink Q1 by procrastinating less: Cut your procrastination in half by doing important things early Say no to Q3 activities: learn to say no to the unimportant things that pull you away from the important things Cut down on Q4 slacker activities: Get your important stuff done so you have time for relaxation

5 Plan Weekly Big rocks and Pebbles The big rock experiment is about time management. Your big rocks represent important things you have to do and your pebbles are your little everyday things. If you put pebbles in a container first, then your big rocks, everything won’t fit, but if you put your big rocks in first, then everything fits because the pebbles fit neatly around the rocks. This experiment teaches you to do your important things first and your unimportant things last so you have time for everything. Step 1: Identify your Big Rocks At the beginning or end of each week, sit down and think about what you need to accomplish in the upcoming week Step 2: Block out time for your Big Rocks Schedule set times that you are going to do your important tasks Step 3: Schedule everything else Add in the pebbles or unimportant everyday things that you would like to get done around your Big Rocks

6 Comfort And Courage Zone Comfort Zone Things I usually do Things I enjoy doing Friends your at ease with Anything your familiar with Courage Zone Things you’ve never tried Things that are difficult Unexplored territory Anything new

7 Comfort Zone Your comfort zone is safe, risk free, and secure Much of your time should be spent here Pros Relaxing You can do the things you love Everything is familiar Cons Won’t try new things Won’t take risks Holds you back from: Making friends Resisting peer pressure Breaking habits Developing new skills Trying out for a team Auditioning for a play Asking someone out Changing your job Getting involved Being yourself

8 Courage Zone Everything that makes you feel uncomfortable Includes challenge, risk, and adventure Contains uncertainty, pressure, change, and possibility of failure Cons You could fail It’s scary Pros You can reach your full potential More interesting life You’ll be able to: Make new friends Resist peer pressure Break habits Develop new skills Try out for a team Audition for a play Ask someone out Change your job Get involved Be yourself

9 The Final Review The Time Quadrants 2 elements Important Urgent Bad Quadrants Q1- The Procrastinator Q3- The Yes-Man Q4- The Slacker Good Quadrants Q2- The Prioritizer Plan Weekly Big Rocks- Important Pebble- Unimportant Do big rocks first How to plan Step 1: Identify your Big Rocks Step 2: Block out time for your Big Rocks Step 3: Schedule everything else Comfort and Courage Zone Comfort Zone Relaxing Risk Free Where most time is spent Holds you back Courage Zone Risky and challenging scary Where you reach your full potential Able to take opportunities

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