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Parent Meeting 2013. CONTACT INFORMATION Head Coach Paul Offill 761-5680 x 3809 Assistant Coaches Jesse Lopez – Varsity Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Meeting 2013. CONTACT INFORMATION Head Coach Paul Offill 761-5680 x 3809 Assistant Coaches Jesse Lopez – Varsity Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Meeting 2013

2 CONTACT INFORMATION Head Coach Paul Offill 761-5680 x 3809 Assistant Coaches Jesse Lopez – Varsity Assistant Richard Sweaney – JV Blue Coach Brian Kelley – JV Red Coach Baseball - Welcome.mht Baseball - Welcome.mht – Departments – Athletics – High School Athletics - Baseball

3 2012 Season Recap Varsity: 29-12 Record, 8-4A District Champion 7 Lettermen Lost 16 Returning Lettermen Defeated Granbury in Bi-District Defeated Birdville in Area Defeated Crowley in Regional Quarterfinals Defeated Denton Ryan in Regional Semifinals Lost to Cleburne in Regional Final JV: 18-1 Record Freshman: 17-1 Record

4 Program Results 2010Varsity26-12-1 JV14-8 9th17-3 57-23-170% 2011Varsity33-5 JV21-7 9th18-8 72-2078% 2012Varsity29-12 JV18-1 9th17-1 64-1482% Varsity88-29-175% Total Program193-57-177%



7 SCHEDULES Varsity, JV Blue, and JV Red Schedules are posted on the Baseball Website Tournament Brackets for all three teams posted on Baseball Website Schedule changes will be posted to the “Welcome” page ASAP

8 January 25 th - First After School Practice/Tryouts January 26 th - Saturday Practice/Tryouts January 28 th - Tryouts January 29 th - Tryouts/Teams Announced February 2 nd – Practice/Cookout JV 9-11:45, V 1-3:30 February 7 th - Early Release Day – after school practice March 11-15 - Spring Break – schedule to follow March 29 th – No School – Practice TBA April 1 st – Bad Weather Day, Practice TBA IMPORTANT DATES

9 SPRING BREAK SCHEDULE March 11-15 Monday: Varsity Practice time TBAJV Red vs Temple, JV Blue @ Temple Tuesday: Varsity vs TempleJV Red and Blue practice 3:00-5:00 Wednesday: Varsity Practice time TBAJV Red and Blue: Day off Thursday: Varsity Practice 9:30-12:00JV Red and Blue practice 10:30-12:30 Friday: Varsity @ Copperas CoveJV Red and Blue vs Copperas Cove

10 IN SEASON PRACTICE SCHEDULE VARSITY Practice will begin during 7 th period and be over by 5:30/6:00 JV Blue and Red Practice will begin after school and end at 6:15/6:30 NOTES: Please pick players up at the high school after practice Please stay in stands if you want to watch practice

11 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION YOUR SON WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FOLLOWING : Practice/Game Sweats Game Jersey and Pants Jacket Batting Helmet This equipment is property of MISD and must be returned. Your son will be required to replace any lost or damaged equipment per MISD policy

12 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION CONTINUED Player Package - Required Team Gear Website Required: Shorts, Royal T-Shirt, Red T-Shirt, Red Socks, Red Belt, Royal Socks, Royal Belt Optional: Spikes, turf shoes, sweat top, sweat bottom, royal fleece pullover, royal long sleeve top, red long sleeve top

13 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION CONTINUED Cap – $16.00, Payable to the Midway Booster Club Practice Pants – Grey or White (provided by your son) Tennis Shoes or Turf Shoes – Players need to keep flat shoes in case we have to go inside for practice

14 EXPECTATIONS OF PLAYERS 1.Pass all classes every six weeks 2.Be on time with all equipment 3.Be respectful to coaches, administrators, teachers, opponents, and umpires 4.Be a good teammate 5.Focus and Hustle 6.Be coach-able 7.Take care of your arm 8.Follow all MISD policies 9.Call us when he will not be here

15 1.To make decisions that are best for the team/program 2.To be honest with you and your son 3.To discipline your son and hold him to a very high standard 4.To help develop your son physically, mentally, and emotionally 5.To teach your son life lessons through the game of baseball 6.We will “chase rabbits” WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM THE COACHES

16 PARENT/COACH RELATIONSHIPS AT MIDWAY Understanding and respecting the position of both parents and coaches will help enhance the athletic experience for our athletes.

17 APPROPRIATE CONCERNS TO DISCUSS WITH A COACH 1.The coach’s interaction with your son 2.How the coach can help your son become a better athlete and student 3.Concerns about your son’s interactions with others


19 FOR A CONFERENCE Call Coach Offill to set up an appointment at 761-5680 x3809 Others who will attend: Player, position/team coach, administrator (if deemed necessary by Coach Offill) Please do not attempt to confront a coach after a game or practice. Emotions are running too high and will not result in a positive resolution

20 PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT 1.Love and support your child and the team, win or lose 2.Be realistic about your child’s abilities 3.Be positive and encouraging at all times 4.Do not come to the fence, dugout, or on deck circle during a game to talk to your son. 5.Respect the coach’s decisions and encourage others to do the same 6.Realize that we are in this together

21 ACCOUNTABILITY GUIDE PURPOSE: To provide a high standard of accountability for our baseball players that meets the expectations of Midway High School and Midway ISD This Guide will: 1.Fit hand in hand with all MISD and MHS policies and procedures 2.Provide discipline procedures for athletes 3.Encourage your son to make good decisions

22 Extracurricular Discipline Management Plan Drug Testing Absence Policy

23 MISC. Policies Practice Outside Midway - Players are not to be trying out, or practicing with other teams until the Midway season is over Hair – Hair will be above the ear and off the collar. Facial Hair – Players are not allowed to have facial hair. Players will be expected to be clean shaven on game days. Athletic Trainer/Injuries – MHS has 2 full time trainers on staff. Athletes need to see the trainer if they have any concerns about injuries.

24 MISC. Policies Practice: Players will not be allowed to drive to the field for practice. Dress in the locker room and run to practice. Lockers: Every player will have a locker and a lock. It is the player’s responsibility to lock everything in their locker every day. Caps – Players will never wear their Midway cap backwards – THE “M” GOES IN FRONT!! Lettering – Players who end the regular season in good standing on the Varsity will earn a letter

25 MISC. Policies Uniforms – All three teams will wear black spikes. All three teams will wear both red and royal undershirts, socks, and belts. Players will turn in pants and jersey after each game to be cleaned Away Games – Players can ride home with their parents only. Parents must sign them out with the coach – players need to bring a change of clothes so they can turn in their uniforms. Practice Attire – Wear Midway attire that is issued or bought

26 Players Beware Players need to understand that what they “put out” on the internet is for everyone to see and they can be held accountable for the content they have on their sites. Twitter Facebook Other Social Media Parents – It is YOUR JOB to monitor what your son has on his site. We will investigate if we are given information about content on your son’s site

27 Varsity Tournament March 7, 8, 9 Waxahachie, Burleson Centennial, Tyler Lee, A&M Consolidated What we need from you: Ticket Sellers Concession stand workers Thursday’s games are 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 (Midway plays at 7:00) Friday’s games are 10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 (Midway plays at 4:00 & 7:00) Saturday’s games are 10:00, 1:00, 4:00 (Midway plays at 4:00)

28 V a l u e S y s t e m Practice – Prepare to WIN every day, fundamentals, mental preparation Accountability – Your decisions and actions have an impact on your team. Ntegrity – Do what’s right even when nobody is watching. Teamwork – Success is never achieved alone. Encourage your teammates. Honesty – Be honest and truthful in everything that you do. Effort – What is the best I can give? - I can’t accept not trying Respect – Respect yourself, the game, and your opponent. Service – Give your time and energy to help those in need

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