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Ghettos& Trains. Molly Salo,Shelby McCormick,Darcy Palomino, and Luke Parish.

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Presentation on theme: "Ghettos& Trains. Molly Salo,Shelby McCormick,Darcy Palomino, and Luke Parish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ghettos& Trains. Molly Salo,Shelby McCormick,Darcy Palomino, and Luke Parish.

2 Ghettos.  The Warsaw Ghetto  In The summer of 1942 300,000 jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka.  When reports that there were mass killings. They formed groups to resist going to the railroad cars.

3 Ghettos Cont.  In January 1943 the Warsaw Ghetto fighters fired upon German troops. The Warsaw Jews used weapons that they had smuggled into the ghetto.  There victory lead to inspiration to prepare for future resistance.  The Warsaw ghetto held out for almost a month.  But in May 1943 there hope was slowly crushed as the Germans came more prepared. 7,000 Jews were shot, the remainder were deported.

4 Bialystok Map  This map shows what Bialystok was like in April 1943  Over 50,000 people lived here.  10,000 Jews in February 1943 were deported to Treblinka.

5 Krakow Ghetto The ghetto is in Podgorze it was established by the Germans.  Established in March 1941.  68,482 Jews lived in Krakow  In 1939 all Jews over the age of 12 had to wear armbands and they sold over 53,828 and they had the star of David on them,

6 TRAINS!  There was no water,toilet,food,and no ventilation.  There were often 150 people stuffed into them, barely any breathing room.  The trips usually lasted 4- 5 days.  Often they didn’t have enough room in the cars so they would stick them in a switching yard.

7 Trains cont.  This is a cattle train as you can see there isnt any room to sit and it looks awfully uncomfortable.  The guards didn’t care if it was hot or cold you road in what ever conditions they wanted you too.

8 Pictures from Nurnenburg.  This is where Hitler gave his speeches in Nurnenburg.  He would walk down these stairs to a podium and talk to the crowd.

9 Pictures cont.  This is the door where he would come out of and it has swastikas written on it.

10 Pictures cont.  Modern Day Graffiti  This picture says  “DER HITLER SEIN RECHT”  And it means The Hitler is quit.

11 Cont.  This is what it would look like when he would be giving his speeches.

12 Cont.  This is the gate into Nurnenburg where they shut at a certain time so people cant go into Nurnenburg or leave.

13 Sited Work  The Warsaw map.   The Bialystok Map  110.htm 110.htm  Krakow Ghetto  w/kra_ghetto_map.htm

14 Sited work CONT  The Warsaw ghetto info   The trains pictures and information.  ains.asp ains.asp  Speech giving.  HJ_Nuremberg.jpg

15 Site work. cont  Most of the pictures my dad took in Nurnenburg.

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