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Jacqueline Brunelli, Dawn Burstein, Kasey Francica, Alexander Sghia-Hughes, Conor Sjogren.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacqueline Brunelli, Dawn Burstein, Kasey Francica, Alexander Sghia-Hughes, Conor Sjogren."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacqueline Brunelli, Dawn Burstein, Kasey Francica, Alexander Sghia-Hughes, Conor Sjogren

2  Imagine a landfill, spreading a great distance in every direction, including up. Now picture that 40% of that landfill is something we dispose of every day without hesitation – paper. Believe it or not, paper makes up almost half of our landfills, meaning more than half of it is capable of being recycled. So, in an effort to decrease the rate of expansion of landfills and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, we are proposing that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) expands its recycling and paper reduction program.


4  This project is meant to target RPI students as it is noted that they are one of the biggest contributors to this issue. (According to Susan Garrigan-Piela, Business Manager for the school of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)  We hope that this advocacy project will inspire the students, faculty, and staff to act in a more eco-friendly manner and eventually expand this proposal outside the walls of RPI.

5  Goal: Reduce virgin paper consumption at RPI  Target: Students at RPI  Project Type: Awareness/Implementation  End Result: Increased use of recycled paper and hand dryers  Three methods to reach goal:  Promotion/ads in public venues  Install warm air hand dryers in bathrooms  Change printing defaults to double-sided printing

6  Timeline: 2-3 years implementation for an environmental/economical payback and/or profit.  Timeline: 3+ years for full participation from students  Statistics taken reveal 90% refuse available recycling/greener facilities.  Requires involvement of environmental groups, both internal and external.  Campus can benefit from reduced paper consumption categories such as:  Increased aesthetic value  Increased profit from hand dryer use  Happier students = better campus atmosphere = better business in admissions

7  Two Main Reasons:  Greener choices can help push for RPI to become a leading research institute.  Part of President Shirley Ann Jacksons vision for breaking RPI out of its engineering school image.  Promotes green behavior for a better life.  Students carry choices/habits with them after graduation.  If implemented early enough, can form greener habits earlier in students.  Gives longer time for the habits to solidify and grow.

8  Reduce Consumption and Encourage Recycling  Use Recycling Bins  Use Double-Sided Printing Defaults  Advertise on the TV’s in the DCC, dining halls, and Public areas

9  Use Recycled Paper  30% PCW = 30% fewer trees used, 13% less energy used 11% fewer greenhouse gas emissions  Installing Hand Dryers  Talk to Maintenance and Administration  Convince Students to use hand dryers instead of paper towels

10  Students  Willingness to Recycle  Use of paper efficient options  Professors  Use of internet for distribution  Efficient use of printer paper

11 omes/property-and-money/property-development/the-realities- of-making-a-living-from-developing/waste-paper-credit-lg-- gt_full_width_landscape.jpg

12  On campus  Students  Faculty/Staff  Mail Service  Off campus  Paper companies  Hand Dryer Manufacturer  Troy Citizens  Local Landfills

13  On Campus  Mail service  Maintenance Staff  Students  Professors  Off Campus  Paper Distributers  Troy Locals

14  Paper releases methane gas which is 20x more potent then carbon dioxide.  Almost all paper can be recycled yet: About 35% of space taken up in landfills is paper 14% of that paper is just newspapers  So I propose a better question why not recycle paper?  Its one of the simplest ways to go green yet most people just chose not to do it.


16  Its possible students won’t embrace our campaign.  We hope that if given the information and the right tools it will make it easier to make better decisions when it comes to recycling.  Administration may also deny our proposition to install hand dryers in the bathrooms.  If that were to be an issue we would have to address the student issue first because in order to get administration on our side we would need the student body support first.

17  This advocacy project has already been implemented and found successful at other Universities. (i.e. University of California, Berkeley)  While most people assume that recycling paper is minimal and negligible, our hope is to convince the student and staff at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute otherwise.  Our advocacy project proposal offers significant benefits of recycling (lower energy costs, greenhouse gas reduction, etc.), as well as the benefits of purchasing recycled paper (cost beneficial, quality paper, etc.).

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