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Learning About Yourself Unit Essential Question How can my principles, skills, and interests help me be successful in life? Concept: Discovering things.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning About Yourself Unit Essential Question How can my principles, skills, and interests help me be successful in life? Concept: Discovering things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning About Yourself Unit Essential Question How can my principles, skills, and interests help me be successful in life? Concept: Discovering things about yourself can lead to personal success and satisfaction.


3 Who You Are Learning About Yourself Time Management Lesson Essential Questions  What can I do to make the best use of my time?  How can I improve my study skills and prepare for a test?

4  Time Management  Time Log  IRS Time  Concentrate  Priorities  Procrastination

5 Why is Time Management Important? What are the benefits?

6 Why do you think some people have more free time than others?

7 How can you make the best use of your time? IRS Time ~ Individual Responsibility for Saving Time Set Priorities- Do important things first to get them completed. Don’t Procrastinate - Set Goals- work toward your goals. Plan how you can reach them.

8 Complete the Time Log Looking at your time log, how is most of your time spent? Review your time log and see where you might see time being wasted.

9 Make a to-do list of what you have to do this week

10 From this list, rank the items in order of importance, with number 1 being the most important.

11 1.Write down only the. 2.Use an. 3.Use. 4.Leave the open for extra notes. 5.Review your notes and. 6.Typing your notes on the computer may help you Tips for Good Note-Taking

12 Why is it important to take notes in class? 1. 2. 3. How does good note-taking affect student success? 1. 2. 3.

13 What distracts you while studying? 1. 2. 3. How can you avoid these distractions? 1. 2. 3.

14 Do Study Halls Help? Should students be able to use their study periods as social periods? Why/Why not? Should ninth graders have a study hall? Why/Why not?

15 How can you better prepare for a test? How did you prepare for the last test you took? What are some concerns you have when taking a test?

16 1. 2. 3. 4. What should you do to prepare for a test? 1. 2. 3. 4. What are some tips when taking a test?

17 When you get the test back. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. What will you do differently to prepare for the next test? ~AND/OR~ What works for you that you will continue to do?

18 Who You Are - Learning About Yourself Reflection Questions Directions: Answer the following questions in detail using your packet and what you have learned during this lesson. 1.What can I do to make the best use of my time? (100 words) 2. How can you improve your study skills and prepare for a test? (100+ words)

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